Subject: 🔵 Is this "work less, make more" working?

"How's that have fun, work less, make more, and live the life of your dreams thing going, Nick?"


I spent my Sunday morning with my wife and Jesus.

Listening to, studying, and talking about the Word.

I spent the early afternoon working out.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with family...

Eating really amazing food.

Watching the Lions win a second playoff game.

And especially because it was Sunday, and I never work on Sundays...

NOT working.

Yet, I had lncome come to me from AT LEAST 4 different places during the day.

Plus, saw two different b.usinesses grow.

Completely in my absence.

Then this morning...

I got a couple of emails letting me know that before I even got up...

I had more lncome come to me than most people who will slave away for 8 to 10 hours today.

Sure, I'll work today.

I'll send you this email.

Then I'll be done.

And then, like yesterday, and like this morning...

SaIes will come in at all sorts of hours that I am NOT working.

Yep... I'd say this is all going pretty dreamily to me.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  Before you get the wrong idea to say...

"That's easy for you to say Nick, you have a list."

First, I'll say this..

I didn't wake up with a list under my pillow one day, like there's a list fairy or something.

I built it.

And second...

I'll say that building it is WAY easier than the "gurus" try to tell you.

Because as part of my week, I push a button and buy really great traffic or ads, and my list builds in my absence too.

My little robots go to work for me and do the rest.

Turning that traffic into leads, adding those leads to my list, and emailing them for me to amazing offers that result in saIes.

You could be doing all of the same in the next 24 hours or less if you decide to do something that actually works for you.

Kinda like you work for the owner of whatever company you're working for.

Cause here's a hard truth.

You are somebody's robot today.

Working for them, so they can live their dream life.

It's a choice.

Build your dream.

Or build theirs.

I choose mine.

I choose this.

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