Subject: 🔵 Is is REALLY a "New" year?

I am here to help you make sure that this year really is new. That it's the new beginning that you need

Is This Year Really Anything "NEW" Yet?

If it's not, inside of this email is how to give yourself a new year, a new beginning, and a new life that you love and wake up to with passion, joy, and excitement.

The sad truth for many, is that a new year is nothing more than the same year as the last 10 or 20.

❌ Same job.

❌ Same habits.

❌ Same frustrations.

🤪 The same day over and over again to the point of madness.

I know, because I lived this "Groundhog Year" life for way too many years than I care to remember.

It literally almost drove me mad, and had me wondering at times...

"What's the Point of My Life?"

I also know because I work with, talk to, and do my best to help people every day who are desperately searching for a way to escape the "Groundhog Year" life.

To escape a life of existence, and into one of purpose.

❤️ Of Joy.

❤️ Of Excitement.

❤️ Of Adventure.

❤️ Of Contribution to others.

❤️ Of actual NEWness.

These interactions with people like you, and my own struggling with just existing in life...

Is pretty much the main reason I wrote The 30 Minute Workday Escape Plan

I have been thinking a lot about how to help you make this an actual NEW year.

And as often happens when I am immersed in thought...

The perfect words just seem to appear in my life.

Here is The Principle That Will Continually Give You a New Year, a New Life, and a New Beginning That You Love...

"If the axe is dull, and one does not sharpen it's edge, then one must exert MORE strength.

However, the advantage of SKILL is that it brings success."

(Ecclesiastes 10:10)

So, what does that actually mean?

A couple of things...

👉 1. If You Want Something New. If You Want Success This Year...

You Need to Sharpen Your Axe, and Get The SKILLS Needed to Create That Success.

👉 2. If You Don't Get The Skills, You Will Continue to Work Harder to Achieve Less.

You will have to exert more strength to basically struggle to maintain the same dull existence you're trying to escape.

Maybe another way to say that, is this...

In Order to Achieve The New Life You Want This Year, You'll Want to Get The Skills to Become a New Person. 

So many think it's a tactic, or a certain business, or a "secret" of some sort that the "gurus" aren't telling you.

I used to think the same thing.

Truth is...

Success is Always Buried in SKILLS

This is why I have become ultra focused on not just giving you the systems and automation that you need to get small wins right now...

But that I also want you to know and understand that if you want to be able to do more with less.

If you want to have LONG TERM success.

If you want to truly keep re-creating a new year each and EVERY year with new adventures, new accomplishments, new abilities to contribute at higher levels...

You'll Want New SKILLS.

You'll Want to Continually Sharpen Your Axe!

So, along with the systems and automations.

Along with the "Done For You" Stuff.

I want to give you a place where you can also get...

👉 The tools.

👉 The step by step training.

👉 The personal help.

👉 And the COMMUNITY you need to continually sharpen your axe.

So that every year has the potential to be brand new.

❤️ If you're tired of the "Groundhog Year" life.

❤️ If you want the ability to continually have a new and better life that you love and enjoy, and that gives you more and more fulfillment.

❤️ If you want to work WITH myself and an entire community of people that wants to help you daily.

❤️ And if you want the SKILLS to do this LONG TERM.

I'd love to work with you to help you have a truly NEW life this and every year going forward for the rest of your life.

Details are here if you want them

Have an amazing Sunday!


"Called Free to Be More"


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