Subject: 🔵 Is dog barf cleanup better than a J.0.B.?

If you've had a dog, you know the sound.

That umf... umf... umf... umf...

Followed by BLAH!!!

If you hear it in time, and you've got catlike speed and reflexes (like me)...

You get to your poor little furry friend before they puke all over the carpet (as they ALWAYS do) and at least get them to the hardwood floors.

It's still gross, but at least it's a quick and easy cleanup.

So, as I am cleaning up my little buddy Cooper's vomit, I had a thought...

"Is cleaning up occasional dog barf during my homebusiness 'work' hours better than any day that I ever had at the J.0.B.?"

And maybe I am remembering it wrong, because it's been nearly 20 years since I left that world forever to create weaIth for myself.

But, I've gotta say...

I believe that having the freedom to work when and where I want to.

Plus, having the ability to create ANY amount of weaIth I personally need and want, even if it means some doggie chunks along the way...

Is not only worth it, but its way better than any day I wasted existing in a life I at best tolerated when I had the J.0.B.

Oh, If you're concerned...

Coop is maybe a little hungry having lost his entire breakfast, but he's just fine.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. Here are my TOP and only recommendations if you ever want to be able to stay home full time and clean up dog puke too.

Wait... that's not a good call to action at all!

These 2 residuaI lncome gems are how I wake up.

Do whatever I want.

With whoever I want...

And create any level of weaIth I desire while having absolute freedom to pursue whatever God puts in front of me.

Here's my little buddy sleeping off his tummy ache...

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