Subject: 🔵 I'm stuck. Can you help?

Ever feel like your brain is just full of swirling air and nothing is happening in there?

Hey Friend...

I'm kinda stuck today.

I want to give you the most amazing content possible.

But, as a person who is consumed with building a freedom business...

One that provides for all of my needs and more, plus gives me massive time and freedom...

I also really hate wasting time.

So, instead of me guessing what you might want or need help with today, how about you just tell me!

Then we both win.

Pretty good idea, right?

If you take just a minute or two to email or text me, I'll do my best to get you the help that you personally need.

Looking forward to helping you.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I truly want to help you and work WITH you some day soon to build the freedom you want in your life.

If you want to, feel free to text me anytime here...


That's a real number and you won't be added to any automated lists or anything.

So be sure to give me a few minutes to personally get back to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

P.P.S.  If all you want is to be able to step into a freedom business that is already created for you...

Here's the latest update on how the New Freedom Shortcut Business is going.

You can find out more here if you want.


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