Subject: 🔵 I'm quitting online sales (should you?)

There is a new model to build all of the time, resources, and freedom you've ever wanted and it means you must STOP this...

I'm Quitting Online Sales! Plus, Why You (Maybe) Should Too.

I'm done "selling" stuff online.

Truth is, it's never sat well with me, and I am just now being fully honest about it with myself.

Because I don't enjoy just getting you to click links and buy stuff.

Even when I KNOW you need it.

I'd rather do something else that I know you need WAY more.

I'd Rather PARTNER With You and Work With You Personally!

So, there's nothing for sale in this email.

Or, in any of my emails from here on out.

What will be in every single email is the ability to PARTNER with me, and others, to get the real live help you need to be successful.

Because, here's what I know from nearly 2 decades of building successful businesses...

Nobody EVER Does it Alone!

The secret ingredient that most leave out is that PERSONAL, live mentorship from people who have been there is critical.

Not just critical.


But Here's The HUGE Problem...

The going "Guru" rate these days is usually a minimum of 5k...

And in most cases is 10k to 30k for just a few days of help.

In fact, I once paid 15k for a single day!

It was worth every penny, but I am guessing you want (and need) more than one day of help...

And you want to get it for WAY less than 15k.

Am I right?

So, Here's The Solution to Your BIGGEST Need...

My partners and I are changing the way people get the help they need.

We are changing the way people build businesses.

✔️ It's revolutionary.

✔️ It's better.

✔️ It's faster.

✔️ It's WAY less expensive.

And it allows you to get all of the PERSONAL help you need on a daily basis.

Plus, allows you to step into an already successful business, so you can use your daily help to get FAST results.

By results I mean...

❤️ A business you love.

⭐ That creates 💲 in a way that gives you endless time and freedom.

⭐ So you can spend your life with the people you want to spend it with.

⭐ Doing the things you want to do.

⭐ And contributing to the people, communities, and causes that you're the most excited about.

And instead of paying the "guru" fees...

We're Giving You Daily Help And an Entire Ready to Go Business For Less Than What Most Spend on Coffee Every Day!

Don't worry... it's not a trick.

You can see here if you want.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  If you're tired of buying endless products, listening to long time sucking webinars, watching endless YouTube videos, and doing everything BUT get the results you want...

I Truly Think You'll Love This.

The last thing you need is more "content" or "training" or "gifts" right?

What you need is the ability to start generating the 💲 and ⏲️ you want in the next 24 hours!

What you really need is the PERSONAL, live help on a daily basis to make sure you never get stuck again.

If I'm right, here's the answer you've been looking for.


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