Subject: 🔵 I'm outta here

Here's where you can find me and some pretty amazing footage.

Hey F.reedom Builder...

I am going hiking with my son and will be off grid all of this week.

Just wanted to give you a heads up that if it's quiet, that's why.

I'm super excited for this hike.

It's one of those perks to building a f.reedom business that I have really enjoyed.

My son showed me a picture a couple of months ago (see image below) of a place he wanted to see, and I said...

"Let's go"

No worries about getting time off, or the f.inancial ding it might create, or any of the typical worries.

F.reedom means saying yes more.

Especially to the people you love.

If you want to see footage, pictures, video and more from the trip...

And maybe even some live views, you can stay connected with me here.

It's the only place I am going to be posting this week.

I'm excited to create the future with you F.reedom Builder.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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