Subject: 🔵 I'm done with this childish stuff

Wow... what a year God gave me in 2023.

It had pretty much everything you can imagine.









And everything all in one.

What I am coming away with this year is that I am done.

I am done toying around with all that God has given me.

It's time for me to grow up.

And to actually use all that He's given me to grow others.

To serve others.

To make sure that His light spreads further.

I have often said that I am not here to build a b.usiness.

I am here to help build people.

And build futures.

For a while, maybe I forgot that... and it's had me stuck.

But, as we head into 2024, I feel a sense of renewal.

Of greater clarity.

But, most importantly...

Of responsibility.

A responsibility to step into the mission that He gave me when I asked.

A responsibility to be f.ree, and to help others get f.ree...

So we can use our time, talents and treasures to serve and love the world at a higher level.

To not just build a b.usiness, but to use the rewards of building to be what I have been hearing in my Spirit...

"Available for God at any moment."

There are a gazillion reasons we can give for not listening to God, and stepping into the desires and dreams He places into our hearts.

But, if we can remove the excuses of no time.

And lack of necessary lncome.

And limited personal f.reedom from the equation...

I think that more of us will stop hesitating when we feel a desire to serve, and we'll just "go."

We'll go to the people that need us.

The places that need us.

At any and every moment.

We'll step into our own creativity that we were born with, but soon forgot as the world and school and life took over our thoughts.

We'll connect with God, and connect with people at a higher level.

And we'll contribute to the world in the way that God has always intended for us.

We're here for a reason.

So, 2024 is about...

Re-discovering the creativity that God gave us all to build something great.

It's about not just having more time, but using that time to connect with people and with God at a much higher level.

And it's about using our creativity to create more time, increase our talents, and build up our treasure...

To take more of that abundance of time to connect with God...

Paying more attention to the desires that He places into our hearts.

So, we can use our storehouses of time, talent, and treasures to contribute to the world around us at the highest level.

If you feel like you want to partner with me in this mission.

In this revolution.

You can get a glimpse of it here.

Create time, talents, and treasure.

Connect to God, and the life and people you love.


You with me?

Nick Bramble

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