Subject: 🔵 I'm building something for you

Time to level up for me Friend.

I was actually inspired by my daughter to get better at serving you and helping you get f.ree

(more on that in a minute)

But first, here's what's coming to you REALLY soon (like days).

To explain, I need to start with my daughter's super smart decision to make a change NOW in life instead of waiting...

Like most do.

Or, settling into a life she doesn't enjoy (like most do) and wasting most of her life.

For the past year, she's been doing the J.O.B. thing.

And has quickly discovered that if she has to be stuck in the wake, work, eat, sleep, zombie existence for the next 40 years...

She'd really, really be miserable on a dialy basis.

And knows she'd wake up one day far down the road and regret not building the life that she really wants.

I'm super happy for her.

And really impressed that at a young age...

She's got the future vision to know that what most of her peers are doing right now, is going to lead at least 90% of them into years of unfulfilled, regretful lives.

She wants more for herself now.

She has dreams of a f.ree, adventurous, CHOICE driven life going forward.

And although she's not sure what greater purpose God has for her in life...

She knows that she wants to have the time, lncome, and flexibility to step into whatever opens up for her at any moment.


Something most give up early in life.

Yet, she's brave enough.

Smart enough.

Determined enough to make sure that as much as she can control...

SHE will have CHOICE in her life.

She will be the creator of her own future.

More than just a dreamer.

But a builder of those dreams.

It's a huge boost as a dad, that when she came to that realization...

She sought ME out.

Honestly, most kids can't really seek their parents out for help building their dreams.

Because most parents have never constructed their own dream lives.

One of my main drivers of being a creator of my own future.

Of being a builder of my own f.reedom...

Is the fact that I always wanted my children to SEE that the life they dream about is possible.

They THEY can actually create it.

It's not just some fantasy swirling in their head.

I really can't express how much it means that she came to me.

But, that being said...

When she came to me, I had a realization that my "game" had slipped a little bit.

I wasn't serving at the level I knew she was going to have to commit to if she wanted to build a long term, stable future for herself.

And something was immediately reborn in me.

The F.reedom Revolution!

Which is what that image above shows you a glimpse of.

It's not a b.usiness.

Or an shiney object.

Or the latest opp.

It's a central "Hub" that represents EVERY single thing YOU need to know and do to live the life of your dreams.

Using the affiIiate model as the path to your f.reedom.

It's my 20 years of experience and knowledge just being given to you.

It's the path that you can follow step by step to build what I call a F.reedom Business.

It's how to create lncome for yourself doing what YOU want... in a way that serves others at the same time.

And that produces the two things you REALLY want in life...


And F.reedom.

It's how you can use the affiIiate model to create lncome in a way that lets you spend your time with those you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

While having the time, lncome, and flexibility to serve the people, communities, and causes that mean the most to you.

It's what I do on a daily basis.

It's the principles behind why it works.

It's everything I have ever known.

Ever done.

And still do to create my version of a dream life.

If you want the ability to create weaIth in a way that gives you the time, and f.reedom to live however YOU choose...

You're probably going to love it.

Here's to creating the future together my fellow F.reedom Builder!

This really is a revolution for me.

The building of a community of people who want to change the way weaIth is created and used in the world.

I'll keep you posted, but you should be able to access it within the week.

And it will serve you for as long as I am blessed to be here.

Talk soon F.reedom Builder!

Nick Bramble

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