Subject: 🔵 I'm Here to Ruin You

I'm here to ruin your entire view of how to break out of your existence and create a life that you love

It seems like a pretty harsh subject line for and email, right?

But it's true.

I am here to ruin your ideals, and thoughts on life and why you are here.

To destroy everything you've bene taught about work, and income, and daily life.

I'm here to wake you up.

Stop your existence in a wake, work, eat, sleep zombie routine.

To bring you to life.

To show you that the normal get a job, work for 40 to 60 hours a week for 50 years doing something that doesn't unlock your greatness is stupid.

And unfulfilling.

And leads to lives of regret, desperation, and of being broke and broken.

I'm Here to Unlock The Insanity in You!

The insanity that believes that you were created to make an impact on the world.

The insanity that believes that work and money are two separate things...

And you can actually make more of it NOT working.

The insanity that believes walking through a wake, work, eat, sleep zombie life being what you're supposed to do is absolute madness, and makes no sense.

If normal is a get by...

Work all day for decades...

Continually unfulfilled...

Existence without purpose...

That ends in regret, being broke and broken in every way...

I choose Insanity.

I choose Life!

Are you with me?


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

Author of The 30 Minute Workday

Creator of The Freedom Launchpad

P.S.  You CAN Get Job Free, So you Can Live Free and Be More for the People God Has Called You to Serve!


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