Subject: 🔵 I'd rather take a shovel to the face

"I'm tired of being broke. You've gotta figure this out."

With a sullen look and tears floating in her eyes, those were the words that spilled out of my wife's mouth.

I would have rather been hit in the face with a shovel in that moment.

My wife is a hard worker, and like she always has...

She was working her butt off, and felt like she had nothing to show for it.

Because I was screwing up so badly and spending all of our money on training, and opportunities, and every kind of business you can think of.

Yet, I was still not making a dime.

Which made me a constant drain on our finances, and actually put us somewhere between 30k and 50k in debt.

Now... I've gotta say, my wife has been the most supportive person I have ever known in my life.

Always giving me the freedom to pursue the desires in my heart she knew I had to chase.

But, everybody has a breaking point, and she was getting close.

Meaning I was possibly about to get a woopin'

Like, for real!

At the time, my wife was a police officer and an instructor for their defensive tactics training...

So, she could take me down.

And her face told me she kinda wanted to.

Not wanting to get that take down, and feeling like garbage for giving her this stress, I knew I had to make a change.

Strangely, I did what most people don't do.

I simplified what I was doing.

I was making everything so complicated.

And those complications were expensive, difficult, and keeping us broke.

A funny thing happened when I started doing just 3 simple things though.

When I stopped trying to build stuff, and found a way to get other people to happily do all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff for me...

I started to make sales.

First slowly, then a few a week.

Then every day.

And a year later, I had generated over 100k from home.

Using 3 simple steps.

Creating almost nothing on my own.

It seemed crazy at the time, but over 17 fully free and abundant years later... it's still working for me.

What I do is still those 3 simple steps daily.

Nothing more.

The simplicity of that first 100k, and watching people go broke making simple stuff complicated was one of the driving forces for me writing my book.

I wanted to save as many people as I could from the hustle, and grind, and do everything yourself "guru" message.

Because the truth is... for most, that hustle, grind, build everything model is what crushes their dreams.

It's expensive.

It's super hard.

It's really time consuming and takes forever.

And personally, I've seen it do more harm that good for beginners looking for those first wins.

So, if you're in the beginning of your journey.

If you're still looking for that first 100k.

If you just want to build a business in a way that gives you the money you want, but ALSO a massive amount of time and freedom.

You'd probably really enjoy my book that you can pick up for free here.

It's been downloaded over 100,000 times now, which seems crazy to me.

But, it also means that it's probably the exact thing most people are looking for right now.

I'm grateful to God for the inspiration to write it.

Even more grateful for the lives it's changed and continues to change.

If it turns out it's not for you, no big deal.

The cool thing is that is simple.

It's free.

And you'll know in less than 48 hours if it's what you've been looking for.

So, grab it here if you want the 3 simple steps and formula I have used for over 17 years now to be completely free "working" mostly 30 minute workdays.

If you don't love it, pass it on to somebody you think might.

My goal is as simple as my daily steps.

To give good, freedom driven people like you the fastest path to your dreams and freedom as I possibly can.

Thanks for a few minutes of your time today, Friend.

Talk soon.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

833-219-0822 (text me)

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