Subject: 🔵 I'd be screwing you over if I did this

If I didn't do this, I'd literally be screwing you over. That's why I do this instead.

This is one of the biggest tips to having success with affiliate marketing, or ANY business model you may be trying to build around.

I first heard it from Dean Graziosi, and he is 100% right.

If you don't believe in your products and services that you are offering to the point that if you don't get it in their hands...

You feel like you are literally "screwing people over" as Dean would say...

You will have a tough time making it.

Nobody will see enough belief in you, to spend a single dollar on anything you offer.

Because for them to believe, they must first know that YOU believe!

I fully believe that you not reading my book, The 30 Minute Workday Escape Plan, hurts you.

If I don't share it, you'll be taken advantage of by the "gurus" who want your money more than your success.

You'll spend 💲 on stuff you don't need to.

You'll take expensive, time consuming steps that you don't have to.

You'll be un-necessarily frustrated.

And eventually, you'll fail having only gained more debt, and heartache.

If I don't FIGHT to get it into your hands.

If I Don't Get You Reading it, I am a Big Fat Jerk!

I feel as strongly about it as if I had the cure for every disease on the planet and didn't share it.

This book, and the action steps in it, are the cure for some of the most devastating sicknesses on earth.


And slavery.

Yep, slavery.

Most of the world is currently enslaved by a J.O.B. system that was purposely designed to keep you broke.

To keep you needing that weekly check and government assistance.

To keep you needing debt to finance everything so the banks can control your money and make 20% - 30% returns daily on it.

👆 Yes, that really happens DAILY!

To keep you stuck and under the control of people who really don't want anything more than your labor and to control your time, so they can profit.

So they can live their dream life.

While You build it for them.

On your sweat.

On your time.

😲 I believe that if I don't share this book with you, that you will be like the 85% of people who hate the places they show up to every day.

😲 That you will be like the more than 90% of people who work 40 to 60 years at those places they hate, only to retire broke.

😲 That you will be like the majority of people who work 40 - 60 hours per week, yet don't have even $1,000 in the bank.

Yep, that's how 💩 the system is!

Yet the figureheads that we call leaders still keep preaching that the best option is to go to school.

Which is nothing more than a form of mind control that teaches you to conform to the broken system.

It's designed to literally remove all creative genius from you.

I'll talk about that later, but we are all creative geniuses at 5 years old.

Only 2% are still creative geniuses at age 30.

The "system" knows that genius and creativity is the anti-serum to their control of your time and money.

So, they work hard to rip it out of you.

And that's why I believe with every fiber of my being that I was not only called to be free by God...

But also called to use my freedom to serve you in a way that allows you to be free as well.

I believe that the only way to beat the system.

To change the system.

To get people like you free to spend your time and wealth and freedom on the people, communities, and causes that need you.

Is to help you get the skills to create for yourself for the rest of your life.

I believe that with everything that is me.

And that, my friend, is the level of belief you have to have in what you're doing too, if you want to...

❤️ Live your dream life.

❤️ Serve others at the highest level.

❤️ And live of life of meaning and purpose.

❤️ That's adds value to the world in the most positive way possible.

And I believe I have the solution to freedom at such a high level, that I will continue to put it in front of you until you start building your freedom, or you run away.

Because if I don't I'm a jerk.

Because if I don't I am "screwing you over."

Because if I don't, I am leaving you to die broke and disheartened in a system that's not built to help you, only to take from you.

Because if I don't, the people you are meant to serve are going to die as well.

Read that first, then...

And join me in the revolution that allows people to create success in a way that gives 💲, and time and freedom back to the world instead of taking it.


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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