Subject: 🔵 [IIS Live] Want 30 minute workday secrets?

This is how I work a mostly 30 minute workday

I tend to enjoy mostly 30 minute workdays.

Meaning, it takes me only 30 minutes or so to do my lncome generating activities for the day.

How the heck do I do that?

I leverage awesome tools and tech to show up for me when I am not around.

And if you want to start enjoying some of that same leverage in your life today...

You'll probably love the Tech Tuesday zoom with Jefferey Long.

Jeff is the tech wizard behind IIS, and today at 3pm EST...

He's going to reveal some of that wizardry to you.

If you want the ability to work way less and make way more, tech is the secret key.

Log into your IIS back office today about 10 minutes prior to 3pm EST and click on the "Live Streams" tab.From there, click the Toolset Tuesday icon.

Hope to see you there.

Of course, there will be a replay if you have to miss it.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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