Subject: 🔵 I was so wrong about you. Sorry

I was so wrong about you and it almost cost me everything I've ever wanted in life.

I was so completely wrong about this, and it almost cost me the last 17 years of fun...



And endless time doing what I love with who I love.

It might also be costing you all of those things as well.

Let me explain with 3 things that I was completely wrong about.

(maybe you have these thoughts too)

Wrong Thought #1: 

"You've Gotta Be Good at Selling to Create Success in This Business Model."

Seems weird, but the truth about creating sales in a sales based industry is this...

The more you try and sell, the less you actually sell.

It's about SYSTEMS, not selling.

I found this out the hard way by going nearly 50k in debt trying to sell stuff.

It wasn't until I got let go from my job 3 weeks before Christmas with all that debt, that I learned the truth.

Because when I stopped selling, and just started inviting people to look at a system that I didn't create...

I went from years of failure to my first 101k online in just 12 months!

Since that first year in 2005 when I learned this...

I have gone on to do nearly that amount in a single month, and have enjoyed the life of my dreams.

Simply by inviting people to mostly done for you systems like this.

Wrong Thought #2:

"I've Failed in The Past, So This Stuff Just Doesn't Work"

For this one, go back to wrong thought #1.

Remember, I was years into this and in massive debt when it finally clicked.

What clicked is this...

You Must Simplify Things if You Want Quick Success

When I was failing, I was also trying to learn 1,000 different things.

When here's all I really had to do (and all you ever have to do too with this business model).

1. Find ONE Way to Get Leads

2. Send Those Leads to a System, or Tools, or Products That Would Actually help Them Reach Their Goals.

Truth is EVERY person who has found success, has failed first.

Every single one of them.

If even 1 person is having success at what you're trying to do, it's not just possible...

It's already happening!

Don't quit!

You're failure means you're closer.

Just find people who are doing what you want to do, and who will help you...


I'm so blessed to have found such helpful and successful communities like this on my journey.

Because it's accelerated my success, and turned into a lifetime of freedom.

For this next Wrong thing, check out the image below for a sec.

Really study it for a minute.

Wrong Thought #3:

"Even If I Manage to Make a Few Sales, it Takes Like a Gazillion of Them to Be Free"

But, look at the image again.

Notice that with as few as 20 customers, most of the world could completely replace their job income.

At most... somewhere around 30 customers would replace or exceed the job incomes of like 90% of the world.

And this isn't from some "Big Ticket" thing.

These are products that cost at most $125

So, how the heck can this be done?

Or, even true for that matter!?!

Here's maybe the most important thing I have learned to be actually TRUE about the number of sales it takes to be free.

The TYPE of sales matters if what you want is freedom.

And the ONLY type of sale that produces long term, ongoing freedom is a RESIDUAL sale.

Meaning a sale that you make one time and continues to pay you for months and even years.

For example, I got a notification of 💲 coming to me just today from a tool that I have not recommended in nearly a decade.


A decade.

I have been getting regular payments each month for work I did 10 years ago.

And the reason why you need so few of them is because instead of getting the commission from the sale one time...

You continue to get it month after month.

So, instead of starting at $0 every month like most people...

Your monthly cash flow actually GROWS with every sale.

Every sale is not just a sale, but a monthly RAISE!

So, in the image above which is how I get paid here...

It's PROOF that with even 1 sale every 2 weeks over the course of the 12 months...

You could create enough freedom 💲 (residual) to be free for years!

Maybe for life!

And whenever you want a raise, just

1. Get More Leads

2. Send Them to a Mostly Done For You System

If you're now saying, ok Nick... this all make sense, but I have trouble getting leads.

I get that thought too (because I once had it), and I am here with a solution for you.

When you decide to partner with me here and use this system...

I will show you where to get endless leads who want what you have every single day for as low as 11 cents per lead.

Hope that helps.

Let me know if your thinking has changed any.

I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Friday!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S. You can text me your thoughts and questions anytime if you prefer that over email.

It's a real number that I actually personally reply to.

Nothing automated.


P.P.S. One more thing that helps...

The system I recommend here pays out 80% commissions!

By far the most I have seen over the last 17 years.

It's pretty much like being the owner of the company without ANY of the headaches or hassle.

So much fun!


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