Subject: 🔵 I stunk (and still did over 1OOk)

How to generate over 1OOk even if you stink right now.

It's time to stop compiling information, Friend...

And actually DO something that starts putting more doIIars into your bank account.

So you can start making real progress towards having a life where you can do what you love the most.

With the people you love the most.

And enjoy an abundance of time, lncome, and f.reedom to serve the people, communities, and causes that God puts into your heart.

Here's what I mean...

What most people call "learning" is actually just compiling information.

Truth is, you never actually learn anything until you DO it.

It's not your fault for making that mistake.

Most of us have gone through 13 to 20 years or more of the dumbing down factory (school)...

That shows us all sorts of tricks to being broke and misinformed.

There's always going to be more things to discover.

More things that you COULD know more about.

In fact... the entire "guru" model is based on keeping you feeling like you have to know more.

That way, you'll keep buying the things and stacking up more info in some dusty corner of your brain.

And you'll stay just confused enough to feel like you need the next bit of information.

You don't.

In fact, what you need to know to actually get started and have a pretty massive amount of success...

Is a relatively tiny bit of information.

I was thinking back to how little I knew when I made my first 1OOk.

I only knew of one place to get traffic (people to my site).

And I sent them to a single page with a headline and a button.

And the next page had a single video of me on it just awkwardly saying thanks and telling them to click a button to see something cool that they might like.

That button sent them to a saIes process that somebody else did the rest of the work on.

I sent emails almost daily that looking back on... were REALLY bad.

But, I just sent them every day.

By the end of the first year, I had an lncome of over 1OOk.

Even though I still mostly sucked at what I was doing.

But, I got better as I actually DID it.

And here's why being an affiIiate of really amazing products, tools, and services is awesome.

You can mostly suck, and still do pretty well.

Because all of the hard, techy, time consuming, and expensive stuff is handled.

And all of the important saIes copy and process is done for you.

You just have to show up and keep pointing people back to it.

Over time, you'll get better.

You'll discover more places to show up.

You'll figure out better ways to communicate.

You'll find out what makes people buy more.

By DOING something!

But, where else can you be pretty bad at something and still generate over 1OOk in lncome?

So, as 2023 was coming to an end, and 2024 got closer...

I started to think about how I could REALLY help you get results fast.

Over and over again, the answer was clear...

Go back to how I originally created that first 1OOk lncome.

Stop compiling endless knowledge.

Get off the "guru" train.

And get into lncome producing action as soon as possible.

Then like magic, this solution appeared (see image below).

When you complete those 8 steps, you'll actually have your OWN b.usiness.

With products.

SaIes funnels.


And more.

You'll even get up to 1OO% COMMlSSlONS on some of the products!

And you can be set up in a couple of days.

No wasted time.

No wasted energy.

Just a step by step plan to have your very own affiIiate lncome generating machine.

By this time next week, you can be generating up to 833 doIIars or more at a time...

Even if you still really stink at all of this like I did in the beginning.

This is the EXACT path that I took when I got started and hit that first 1OOk back in December of 2004 when I got let go from my job.

Now, it's 2024... and in my 20th year of F.reedom, things are still awesome.

Imagine if every day for the next 20 years, you wake up and do what you want.

With who you want.

And you have the ability to contribute endlessly to the people, communities, and causes you want.

It won't stop there either.

It can go on for generations.

I am finding this put first hand this year as my daughter is just getting started.

How awesome is that?!?

If you're still reading, my guess is that you want to stop buying endless amounts of information...

And you're ready to start actually generating lncome (even if you suck right now)...

I think this affiIiate b.usiness in a box is the fastest and best way for you to do that.

I think so much of it, it's actually what I had my own daughter plug into.

I think you'll REALLy be excited when you see it.

Nick Bramble

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