Subject: 🔵 I realized I was dying (True Life - Death Story)

I woke up from this nap and realized that I was dying and this is the choice that changed everything

It's when I woke up from this nap with my daughter that I realized I was dying, and everything had to change.

When you listen to today's short podcast, you'll get the real death into life decision that...

Turned death into over 17 years of fun, freedom, adventure, and most importantly...


I'll be honest, it has a couple of heavy moments.

But I promise, it can fill you with that same LIFE when you choose to press play here and listen to it.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I check and respond to ALL emails and texts.

If you want to, feel free to email me, or text me anytime here...


That's a real number, so be sure to give me a few minutes to personally get back to you.

I look forward to connecting with you.


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