Subject: 🔵 I quit everything (but this)

Time to leave generationaI weaIth to my children. It begins with this

My daughter starting the AffiIiate life this year kinda through me for a loop that I didn't expect.

It exposed me.

Because I realized that as cool as it's been to have been f.ree to do what I want for 20 years now...

I was punched in the face with the reality that I hadn't really built anything that was mine.

Something that even though I am an affiIiate, could leave generationaI weaIth to my kids.

Not just that, leave them with a real family b.usiness that they could run or pay to have run.

I hadn't really given them the skills to turn their own dreams into reality.

I built this.

Then that.

Then this.

I bounced from here to there.

And because I have skills, I have enjoyed incredible weaIth and f.reedom as sort of an affiIiate vagabond.

But, when I look over everything, nothing is mine.

Now that my daughter is in the game...

Nothing is ours.

That ends today.

This minute.

Today, I commit to building an affiIiate b.usiness in an entirely new way.

First, just because I am an affiIiate, doesn't mean I don't have a home.

A place that's mine and that I control.

And it shouldn't mean that for you either.

You've actually seen me building my home over the last couple of months in my community here.

It's everything I know.

Everything that I can share to serve others.

Everything I use to create lasting weaIth.

And it can't just go POOF.

It's mine.

It's stable.

It can be left as a legacy.

I am helping my daughter build her community this week as well.

She'll have a 20 year head start on my biggest mistake of not doing this sooner.

And second...

I need to plant my flag in places that will serve the people I was meant to serve at the highest level...

While creating time, lncome, and f.reedom wins for ALL of us as we build together.

In a way that create both generationaI and exponentiaI weaIth.

I've chosen that too.

Just jump into my community and check out the "Build F.reedom With Nick" tab.

Let's go build your f.reedom, Friend.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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