Subject: 🔵 I hate big "buts" and I cannot lie

If someone cornered me and made me share the biggest, most important secret to home business or online success, this would be what I shared...

Be careful how many "Buts" you allow in your life.

Every time you hear it, exchange it in your mind with...

"This is my made up excuse for why I don't have what I want."

Which in most cases is what the word, "But" represents.

If I was forced for the rest of my life to only offer one piece of advice to people trying to build a business...

I think this is the one sentence I would boil everything down to.

"Become obsessed with helping people achieve a goal, and serve them value every single day that would help them get closer."

Quick side note: Did you think I meant that kind of "butt?" 😂

Anyway... back to the most important thing...

Most failing to make sales in business fail because they are trying to make sales.

Seems like an odd thing to say until you know the PRINCIPLE of sales...

You only get paid for the amount of VALUE you put into the marketplace.

You don't get paid for building a list.

Although you need one to share value with.

You don't get paid for a "system" or a sales process, or a "funnel."

Although you need those things too.

You get paid for the amount of value that YOU put into the marketplace.

So, in the affiliate partner model, like the one you probably want to use if you're reading this...

Here's what that means your "job" is...

1. Become OBSESSED with helping people solve specific problems they are having in an area that you truly care about and have deep interest in as well.

2. Build an Audience of those people (email list, subscribers, followers, etc.) on a DAILY basis.

The "But" here is usually...

"I don't know how to do that."

The problem with that, is that it means you really don't want to put the effort in.

In today's age, the people that you want to help are literally sitting in your hand (on your phone).

And to make it even easier, they are neatly organized into communities of people for you.

On Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, in search engines like Google/Bing/etc. under keywords, Tik Tok, Solo Ads, Leads list, Pinterest, Linkedin, on Blogs, in Forums, on mailing lists, phone lists, sms lists, etc.

They are literally everywhere and packed together neatly for you.

Just go there with your solutions and place ads, or post, or build your own groups, or buy the list and start sending them value and solutions.

3. Share Solutions, value, vision, stories, humor, inspiration, results demonstrations, etc. with that audience on a DAILY basis.

The next "But," after I don't know how to build a list is usually...

"I don't know what to send, or what kind of content to put out"

Again, the opportunity to become more valuable, to learn skills, to increase your talent level, is literally a search away.

And if you're reading this...

There is enough information inside of this community I have been recommending since we met, to keep you serving people in this marketplace for the rest of your life.

When you hear this "But" in your mind, replace it with...

"The solutions I need, and the solutions that the people following me need, are everywhere and easy to find."

"If I am wondering what to send today, it's because I'm either too lazy to get better, or I need to become more to serve them today."

4. Make recommendations that send them to a sales process that is ALREADY working.

Solutions that offers tools, products, and services that gives the people on your list the outcome/result they are looking for.

And there are affiliate partner programs for everything under the sun, so there are no "buts" (excuses) to be had here either.

I Hope that lands with the intention desired which is:

To provide the biggest piece of value that I can to a marketplace that I love...

So that you can get free to live the dreams God placed into your heart!

If you scrolled down because this is just too long of a read...

I get it.

I might have done the same thing. 😀

Although, I urge you to look at those 4 steps at least.

Because it's ALL you have to do when using this model.

And since you're probably like me and would appreciate seeing how I have turned these 4 simple steps into...

Over 17 years of fun, freedom, adventure, and serving the people communities and causes I love...

I think you'll enjoy seeing exactly how I do it here.

Have an amazing Tuesday, Friend!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


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