Subject:ย ๐Ÿ”ต I got wrecked again this weekend

WOW... I got totally "Wrecked" again this weekend.

Still trying to process the emotions and power and message of it.

I came away Sunday feeling a little bit of everything really.






Emotionally spent.

And honestly, a little "wrecked" in a good way.

Jesus tends to wreck me in the best ways possible is what I am finding.

He serves and loves and gives at such a high level, that when I look at my life "in light of the cross," I find myself questioning...

"Is how I am living honoring the magnitude of the event of cross and the resurrection?"

It's been stirring in me for quite a while as Pastor Chris has been asking the question... "In light of the cross, how are you living?"

And it culminated with this question on Resurrection Sunday...

"What is the impact of the resurrection on the way that you live?"

Followed up with the statements...

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you believe in the resurrection, it cannot be moderately important to you. It is of infinite importance.

The most important event of all human history. If you believe in the resurrection, it should change the way you live."

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you believe in the resurrection, it should cause kids to want to be baptized."

We had 27 baptisms on Sunday, mostly young adults and children - Hallelujah!

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you believe in the resurrection, it should cause you to want to be a missionary that reaches the unreached people of the world."

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you believe in the resurrection, it should cause those that are rich in resources to want to invest it into the spread of the Gospel around the world."

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you believe in the resurrection, it should cause you to want to use your time, talents, and resources to help and serve others."

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you believe in the resurrection, it should cause you to face death differently. With hope, and with great peace"

๐Ÿ‘‰ "If you and I believe in the resurrection, it should cause those of us who have been used, and wounded and hurt by others to offer the same mercy, and grace, and forgiveness we have received in Christ."

"Resurrection is not moderately or mildly important.

It is not something that only impacts our Sundays...

It impacts every day of our lives."

~Pastor Chris Brooks

So in nearly every second since, I have been trying to ask myself...

"Is how I am living in every moment giving back to my family, my friends, my community, my audience, and the world...

In a way that honors the honors the magnitude of what was given to me on the cross, and through the resurrection?"

And the answer of course, is no.

It's impossible to live as the Perfect Savior, Jesus.

But, that's ok for 2 reasons:

1. As Romans 3:23 says... "We ALL fall short."

But immediately in 3:24, God reassures us that we are justified FREELY by His Grace thorough the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Because of Jesus, we don't have to be perfect to be seen as perfect in God's eyes.

Amen to that, because I fall short by the hour.

Sometimes the minute.

2. If we are questioning ourselves daily on whether or not we are living daily with this question in mind...

"What is the impact of the resurrection on my daily life,"

I find that is causes us (or at least me) to PURSUE a better, more positively impactful, more Jesus led life.

And for me, knowing I'm perfected through Jesus no matter what...

This allows me to focus on pursuing His greatness with incredible freedom and peace of mind.

Yes, I am attempting to chase Him with all of my heart.

But, when I stumble, or fail, or even flat out disobey the Word...

I am still forgiven.

Still perfect in the eyes of God.

Because of Jesus.

Grace then, in my opinion, causes us to pursue greatness...

Not live a lessor life.

So, I am fully "wrecked" in the best way possible.

Gone (mostly ๐Ÿ™‚) are the desires to just feed the flesh and serve my own selfish wants.

As much as I want to focus on me and what I want... and I often do...

The cross, the resurrection, and the incredible Grace and Love of Jesus compels me to use all that He has given me...

My time, my talents, and my resources... to serve a world that needs Jesus just as much as I do.

And to make it known that His love, His Grace, and His forgiveness is there for YOU too, no matter what, when you choose to accept Him.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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