Subject: 🔵 I got thumped in Detroit last night

I got thumped right in the head multiple times on the Detroit streets last night while walking with my wife in the dark, cold...

This is posted in my “office” so I can look at it each day when I’m working.

From the moment I asked God why He gave me the skills, tools, desires, and resources He blessed me with…

What you see below has been the answer breathed deep into my Spirit.

I think there have been times in my life since, that I haven’t really grasped the full impact of what it’s supposed to mean…

And how I supposed to act on it.

Last night, I was out with my wife walking in Detroit.

We were there to drop our son off at a concert and then enjoy dinner, and the lights...

And wanted to do some of the fun Christmas stuff they do this time of year.

Only we got there to find that on Tuesdays, pretty much everything is closed down.

We still had a great dinner, but with a ton of time to get to know a city we really don’t know at all…

We took to walking the streets for most of the night.

And on our chilly walk down these mostly unknown streets, guided only by the little blue line on my phone (I get lost easily)…

I had a tremendously moving experience.

I’ve actually had it before, but I always kind of set it to the side.

Today, it hit me in an entirely new way.

A stronger way.

It made Galatians 5:13, and it’s significance in my life and mission here feel more tangible.

More clear.

More real.

And I’m not going to talk about all of the things that got dropped into my Spirit today, but I will only say this...

God is always lighting a path for us.

Always speaking.

Always firing up the desires of our hearts.

Yes, we are here to serve and love others… but that can mean a gazillion different things.

I think what I’ve finally fully listened to is what God has been revealing to me for years.

I’ve heard it in the past.

Never really listened though.

Until now.

Last nights moving experience had happened to me over and over and over again.

And I finally get it.

It may take me a while, but if you keep thumping me on the head with it (or maybe in the heart)…

I’ll finally get it.

Mission 5:13 feels new today.

And it’s scary, and exhilarating, and challenging, and fulfilling all at once.

If you’re not close to me, maybe you’ll never really know what it means.

Or maybe…

God will use this Mission through me to make so you can’t not know the meaning.

I’m not sure.

I just know that just like Joshua and the Israelites had to trust God and put the soles of their feet in the Jordan BEFORE the raging waters parted…

I have to step too.

And I fully believe that the same promise that God gave Joshua of him having everyplace that the sole of his foot touches...

That promise belongs to me as well.

And so I trust.

And so I step.

Talk soon F.reedom Builder!

Nick Bramble

P.S.  I'm relaunching my entire business model in the next few days...

And I am looking to partner with you, if you feel like you NEED to create lncome in a way that f.reess you up to have more impact with your life.

It's about creating not just a little bit of lncome here and there...

But, a MASSIVE amount of real weaIth.

So you have the time and flexibility to serve any people, communities, or causes you desire at any moment... For life.

You'll create a life where you are completely unrestricted by lncome, time, or location.

If you're a good fit, I am going to hand you the keys to everything you need.


A complete b.usiness that's right now doing over 3OOk every month.

Like clockwork.

Completely turnkey.

All websites.

All products.

A complete system customized to you as if YOU.

It is not some sort of opp.

It's YOUR business and you can get up to 1OO% COMMlSSlONS on all products.

Plus, you can add anything you want to it.

It's not for everyone, but if you want to be handed a 3OOk per month real b.usiness that you can use for life to change your life and create the lncome, time, and f.reedom you need to impact the world...

It might just be for you.If you think you might want a special invite...

Message me here on Telegram.

Please make the first message

"I Want to be a F.reedom Builder!"

Talk soon.

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