Subject: 🔵 I got $547 to eat this yesterday

Pretty crazy the things that I actually DON'T do to create weaIth for me and my family

Yesterday I got PAlD here for eating this delicious Buddha Bowl and enjoying my family.

It was probably the BEST Buddha Bowl I have ever eaten.

Garden picked tomatoes.

Turmeric roasted chickpeas.

Fresh spinach.

Marinated tempeh.


Sunflower seeds.

Napa cabbage.


Topped with two poached eggs, and drizzled with a sesame ginger vinaigrette.

All sitting on a bed of delicious wild rice.

It was absolutely amazing.

Plus, I got to sit and chat with my beautiful wife while she enjoyed an equally amazing meal and a warm blueberry donut coffee.

We'd already taken a relaxing stroll through a cute little town...

On what was a much warmer and sunnier than usual day in Michigan for late September.

After the meal, we did some shopping.

I hung out with my daughter and helped her build a shelf.

Quick note: It was a simple, pre-fabricated Target bought shelf.

Don't ever ask me to build anything that doesn't come with instructions and it's own screwdriver. 😂

I watched some football.

Made a really tasty stir fry for dinner.

And finished the night off with some more time relaxing with my wife.

What I didn't do... was work.

Yet... that $547 came in from my brand new super funnel that I just finished.

What's cool... outside of basically getting paid to do what I love, with the people that I love.

Is that this was only DAY ONE of the funnel being out there in the marketing universe.

It's only going to get better.

What's WAY cool...

Is that this is how I have built my life over the last 20 years.

I bucked the system.

Decided I wasn't going to spend all of my time at some job that sucked my soul out on a daily basis.

And instead...

I was going to create lncome in a way that allowed me the time and freedom to do what I love the most.

With the people I love the most.

While having the time, freedom, and resources to serve the people, communities, and causes that God puts into my heart at any moment.

It's been pretty awesome.

If that all sounds a little more ideal than your current situation, here's how I'm doing it and how you can too if you want.

Happy Monday!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People

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