Subject: 🔵 I fell off the wagon again Friend

Ugh... darn it. Nobody is safe from mistakes and sometimes even after 17 years, you blow it...

Hi Friend...

If you're wondering why I have been a little more quiet lately...

It's because I have been re-thinking my entire business model.

"Wait Nick, aren't you the king of The 30 Minute Workday... Why the heck would you change that?"

Seems crazy, right?

And if you can believe it, I am simplifying my business even more.

Brutal Honesty Moment:  I kinda fell off the wagon for a minute.

I started to think like a "guru" again and give myself extra things to do during the day that just weren't necessary.

But... I am Back on The Wagon Baby!!!

And to celebrate my once again lovely 30 minute workdays, I am simplifying even more and sharing the process with you.

How do you simplify a 30 minute workday?

Well... for that, you'll just have to keep paying attention.

You can start following the journey on the two channels I will be on most:

1. My New YouTube Channel Here

2. My Twitter Account Here

Yeah, I know Twitter isn't all the "buzz" anymore...

But you know what?

You've gotta publish where you know you'll do it with super high consistency to win in this game.

And from an ease and speed stand point, I have always loved Twitter.

I'll have my podcast up soon as well.

"Holy 💩 Nick... sounds like you're getting more busy, not less!!"


I get it if you're thinking that.

But I'll reveal how everything can be done on your phone in a few minutes.

No crazy gadgets, edits, and expenses.

Just fast, awesome content that points back to automated sales producing systems that do the work for me.

That's how I like it.

That's how I have ALWAYS liked it.

I think most of us secretly do...

But the "gurus" make you feel bad about it like you should be hustling and grinding your life away.

If my way is how you'd love it too...

I invite you to subscribe to my channels and pay attention.

Lots of awesomeness coming.

I'm so excited to help you get free!!!

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


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