Subject: 🔵 I could charge for this, but I don't (yet)

I get requests all the time to actually charge for my book. Lately, I am actually considering it...

I actually do get requests all the time to charge people for my book... The 30 Minute Workday Escape Plan

I got another one yesterday actually.

Mostly, people want me to charge because you can recommend anything that I offer you and get 80% commissions.

So, I get wanting to increase income.

Especially when you get the big of a take.

It's almost as much as you'd get if it was actually your product when you factor in expenses.

At the end of the day though, I want to get this book in the hands of as many people who will read it and take action on it as possible.

As a side note, maybe that's why I SHOULD charge.

People tend to only take action on something they've paid for.

For now, though... you can just have it.

I know that if you're really serious about building a business that you love, in a way that gives you the time and freedom to live life how you choose...

With the people you love the most.

Doing the things you love the most.

And serving the people, causes, and communities that speak to your heart.

But, before you do, answer a question for me.

Because I truly do want to make your path to freedom as quick and simple as possible.

If you could get up to $427 for every one of my books that you give away (just like I am giving it to you)...

Would you be interested in helping me spread freedom and recommending the book to others?

Seriously, it's an idea I have been bouncing around.

Reply to this email and let me know if you love the book enough to give it away and get up to $427 every time you do that.

I'd also really enjoy hearing what you love most about the book, and how it's helped you.

Thanks and have an awesome Saturday!


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

Author of The 30 Minute Workday

Creator of The Freedom Launchpad

P.S.  You CAN Get Job Free, So you Can Live Free and Be More for the People God Has Called You to Serve!


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