Subject: 🔵 I believe in you Friend

Do you ever feel alone and isolated in this journey to freedom that you're doing your best embark on

Happy Transformational Tuesday Friend!

This journey to freedom can be lonely, right?

The desire to build something more, something bigger, something that provides both income and impact...

It can kind of isolate you from what everyone around you is doing.

I get it.

Yesterday, I had a very emotional moment about it actually.

I will send a video Wednesday to let you know why I spiraled through anger, and sadness, and tears.

And then something rose up inside of me that was more like a burning inspiration...

And then finally enlightenment, knowing why I had all of those emotions like that.

All within like an hour!

It was kinda crazy, as I am pretty even keel most of the time.

Look out for that tomorrow.

Today though...

I just Want You to Know That I Believe in You!

I believe that the dream that keeps fighting it's way back into your heart and mind is not just real...

But that it holds within it your entire purpose for being here.

I believe in your ability and your desire to gain the skills, and the knowledge you need to achieve those dreams.

I believe in your sincere wanting to create the personal change to become more.

I believe that you want all of this so that you can BE more for yourself.

For your family.

For the people, causes, and communities that most excite you.

And even if you don't believe in yourself right now, I ask you to borrow my belief.

Even if you don't believe you can do it right now.

Just believe that it's POSSIBLE.

Because it is.

Thank you for chasing your dreams, Friend.

Your unwillingness to give up.

Your fight is part of what inspired me at the end of my spiral yesterday.

Again, I will share that with you tomorrow in a video.

Because it was kind of bizarre, and different, and cool, and enlightening all at the same time.

If I can help you get closer to your dreams, please let me know.

I believe fully that God has called me free to serve others.

To help you. To partner with you and as many as we can get people free to fully dream again.

Because in your freedom lies even bigger dreams than you've seen yet.

I promise you that.

And those dreams are possible too.

Have an amazing day and talk soon.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

833-219-0822 (text anytime)

P.S. If you ever want to see the heart centered, servant driven community that has changed my life, and allowed me to create freedom for myself and others like you...

This is probably they type of freedom vehicle that you've been searching for.

You're welcome to check it out and ask me any questions you may have.

No pressure or sales tactics.

Everybody needs to choose their own path to freedom.

I'll help you no matter which you decide on.


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