Subject: 🔵 I asked God about you

Maybe it's weird, but I asked God about you, and this is what He said I should do with you

So yesterday I talked a little about my mission given to me in life, and I even dropped some new imaging on you.

(it's in the PPS below if you missed the image)

But, what the heck is Mission 5:13, and what does it mean for you?

A few years ago, I wanted to leave this industry.

I was confused.


Feeling like I was just called to do more.

And before I left, I asked God a question.

It was more of a plea really, as I truly was feeling completely lost in life.

"God... Why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing with this life?"

And almost immediately, the following scripture came into my heart, and started appearing everywhere else...

Galatians 5:13

Which to paraphrase says:

"You are called to be free, but do not use this freedom just for yourself. Use it to serve and love others."

And what wouldn't leave me alone is that what it was speaking to me was...

You were called free to set others free!

And so my mission.

My calling.

My purpose for being here, which has been confirmed over and over again...

Is to use my own freedom that I have been blessed to create to not just be more for others, but to set them free as well.

To set YOU free.

Free to pursue the dreams in your heart.

Free to be more for others.

Free to love on the people, communities, and causes that you feel compelled to serve and love on and contribute to.

Free to ACT on those dreams that were placed in your heart by God.

Because I don't believe those dreams that won't leave you alone are just there by chance.

I believe inside the dreams of our hearts, is our purpose.

And when we have the time, the wealth, and the freedom to pursue them, we not only become the best versions of ourselves...

We create and contribute to amazing, positive futures for many.

We change the world and push it forward in the loving, positive way that God intended.

Mission 5:13

This is my calling.

My mission.

My contribution to the world and the future.

And if you feel a deep desire to be free.

An even deeper desire to love and serve others and help them get free and step into their own specific purpose...

Then I would love to welcome you to the Mission!

If you need to get free still, shoot me a quick email and lets start talking about the first steps we can take together to start getting you the time, the resources, and the freedom to pursue your dreams, help your people, and change the world.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Creator of The "Mission 5:13" Movement

P.S.  You CAN Become Job Free, So you Can Work Less and LOVE More on the People God Has Called You to Serve!

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