Subject: 🔵 How to make 24 sales NOT working

I've barely worked a single second over the last week and still 24 sales poured into my bank account

Hi Friend...

If you've been wondering if this 30 Minute Workday concept I've been talking about works...

Here's some proof that it does...

Count em' up and that's 24 sales in 7 days!

But, here's the cool part...

On July 16th, we had my daughter's graduation party (so fun!).

And we've been busy running around for it since the 13th.

Side Note: My wife has been running around for months planning and preparing.

I started on about the 13th.

She's an amazing woman to put up with my slackerness!

Because we had family in from out of town all weekend, we also spent every second outside of the grad party hanging out with them.

(man, I miss my brother!)

After they left on Sunday, I spent Monday working out with and enjoying time my son.

Mostly, he's working me out now!

Amazing how quickly they start to pass you up!

Then, on Tuesday, we spent the entire day with family around the pool celebrating my nephew's birthday.

If you're following, that means I haven't "worked" on my business since before the 13th of July.

Yet, if you count up the sales in the image above...

A Whopping 24 Sales Came in Over The Last Week While I Was NOT Working!

This is the dream for me.


What about you?

Are you wanting to have a business that actually allows you to create the money you need and want...

In a way that gives you the time and freedom to enjoy it?

If so, you've got to be careful.

Not all businesses are created equally.

And most of the "Gurus" now a days are preaching a business model that actually takes more time than a job to run!

If The 30 Minute Workday way that I use seems like a dream to you, feel free to check it out here.

I give away the entire formula on that page for free.

No opt in or anything.

Just get immediate access.

When you decide to check it out, you'll also see how I once generated $133,298 in 10 months literally working ZERO minutes.

Pretty crazy, but true.

Anyway, the formula is free if you want it.

You'll get immediate access here.

Hope you're enjoying your Wednesday, Friend.

Talk soon.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  Have questions? Email me, or Text me directly at 833-219-0822.

I get back to everything personally

If you didn't notice, you can now connect with me (or DM me) on:

YouTube: @calledfree

Facebook: @nickbramble

Instagram: @realnickbramble

Twitter: @realnickbramble

Catch up with me on any or all platforms you hang out on.

And no, I don't use the platforms to dance around like a clown and post silly videos that waste your time.

I've constantly adding lots or really helpful short "value bites" to each platform that will actually help you build anything that you might be building right now.


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