Subject: 🔵 [Hot Pic Inside] Me in slippers

I can't believe you opened that you dirty bird. 😂

But as promised, here's a "hot" pic of me in my slippers...

Get it?

Hot... because of the fireplace in the background?

I know, lame dad joke, but here's why I send you this email.


Other than to give you a chance to laugh at me because I wear house slippers pretty much 1OO% of the time I am home.

We're getting pummeled with snow here in Michigan.

The roads are really bad near me.

Cars (from what I hear anyway) are sliding into ditches and medians left and right.

And it's just kinda yucky out for those that were forced to go into the J.0.B today.

But me...

I am in my tasty warm office with my feet up, creating weaIth without having to leave my couch.

Freedom means a lot of things, and it can change by the day.

Today, it means not having to risk my life rushing to a place I don't want to go, so I can have a few pennies thrown my way.

Imagine for a second if you woke up today and had 1OO% control of your day.

What would you decide to do?

Where would you decide to go?

Who would you decide to be around?

That kind of control of your life is possible, Friend.

All it takes is some new skills that I'd be happy to show you here.

Wherever you find yourself today though, I invite you to find joy in it.

But, if it's not exactly where you want to be, or doing exactly what you want to do recognize that...

And look for new solutions that can give you the life that you desire and deserve.

Feel free to reach out to me, if you'd love to make plans for a better future.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S. Even though the formulas I use have allowed me to do whatever I choose for nearly 20 years now...

I always like to highlight the results other people are getting using the weaIth formulas I use.

Here's what Kevin had to say about one of the formulas I showed him here.

Kevin actually had to pay for that formula, but I now just give it away here if you want it.

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