Subject: 🔵 Holy holiday 💩balls. THIS just PAlD 50Mil

WOWZERS... LiveGood PAlD out 50mil to it's affiIiates in 2023.

Just it's first year!

And at less than 1O bucks a month...

It's the smartest home b.usiness model on the planet to consider.

Super low monthly spend.

Super high monthly potential.

For example, we several have people who in less than 12 months built 50k+ monthly lncomes.

We average more NEW 6-FlG earners every single week than any company in the industry.

Even those "high ticket" ones.

The products inside of our membership are the highest quality on the planet.

For the lowest prices.

And unlike most companies and products in our space...

The membership is actually worth WAY more if you use it.

Saves me at minimum $14O a month.

Not bad for a less than 1O doIIar a month membership.


As we head into 2024, you can chase the "maybes" and maybe you'll be right.

Or, you can at least take a flyer on the sure thing.

Because the sure thing will be less than $14O for the YEAR if you take the yearly option (which includes a one time ever 4O doIIar affiIiate fee)...

And less than $16O a year if you pay monthly.

Plus, because this new model is so amazing...

You'll actually have a better chance to create MORE lncome with this "little" 1O doIIar thing.

With a product that is worth more than you pay for it.

And maybe most importantly, an ownership that puts people first.

If you're in, let's go!

If you're not in yet, take the f.ree tour and see what happens.

Nick Bramble

P.S.  We have all of the team resources, training, support, and more to help you.

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