Subject: 🔵 Holy Petrol Friend. $7 a gallon for gas?

If your wages haven't increased 2.5x over the last 18 months, you're potentially screwed right now.

SOLUTION:  It's here if you want to avoid the gloomy part of this email.


It's pretty crazy, but gas prices here in Michigan have gone up over 2.5x in the last 18 months.

(Turn on images and see below)

Groceries are following a similar trend.

And this is the same all over the world right now.

So, here's the question...

Have your wages, or your incoming resources increased 2.5x to meet the new economic demands?

If not, what's the plan?

It's not a rhetorical question.

Seriously, what's your plan, Friend?

I'm not here to be all doom and gloom and focus on the problem like the media does.

So, this email is about solutions to your new and pressing financial needs.

Those who actually have wealth, aren't worried, and here is what they are saying.

I recently heard 3 different financial experts (real experts with real wealth)...

ALL say the same thing.

Ray Dalio.

Warren Buffet.

And Robert Kiyosaki are all saying, that you need two things to survive right now and into the future...

1. SKILLS to create your own unlimited resources on your own time.

2. A business to shelter your wealth, and protect and keep as much of it as possible.

I've seen this echo true in my own life as I have both, and haven't really thought much about the increased prices.

In fact, I spent the day at the golf course yesterday.

But, more importantly, I have seen that ring true in the business I have chosen to partner with here.

Because while the rest of the world is freaking out, making less and having to spend more...

We just went through a growth phase where our partners commissions company wide increase 3x in just 90 days!

Yep... the financial burden increased as much as 2.5x.

But our commissions increased by 3x!

And that was just in the last 90 days!

That's what I call a good solution that you'll never hear the media tell you about.

The Solution:

A Business That Gives You an Opportunity to Increase Your Incoming Resources NOW...

Plus, Gives You The SKILLS to Continue to Create For Yourself For The Rest of Your Life!

You can see it in action here if you want.

Whether you choose this solution or not, it's clear...

You need to do something NOW, or you could be in for a pretty rough season of life.

If what you see here resonates with you...

Myself and an army of people are waiting here to help you not just ease this ever increasing burden...

But to wipe it from your thoughts completely.

So you can live without the worry, and stress, and anxiety, and fear that so many are experiencing right now.

And will be experiencing well into the future without focusing on the solutions that work.

The fact that you're here means that you're solutions focused and you will be alright if you just start acting on those solutions now.

Here's to better solutions, Friend!

And the better futures that come with them.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  Yesterday I spent the day golfing with my son which wasn't cheap either.

Not surprisingly, the course was empty.

But, because of this, I spent the day worry free.

Fully present in a moment of time with my son.

Those moments are becoming more and more precious as he's getting older now, and doing his own thing much of the time.

Enjoying the course and the sunshine and my son was such a blessing.

And is actually me LIVING the life of my dreams.

What's your dream life?

Are you living it too?

Want to?


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