Subject: 🔵 Hidden truth to weaIth, happiness, and longevity?

I sent this email in the fall after Grandma went home to see Jesus.

But, I wanted to send it again for 2 reasons:

1. I fully believe that the hidden truth to weaIth, happiness, and longevity is inside of it.

2. I changed the direction of my entire business in large part because of what I learned from Grandma.

Here's the email I sent...

Grandma's funeral was yesterday.

In her 92 years here, she managed to touch the lives of generations of friends and families...

And pretty much anyone who came into contact with her.

Actually, "Touch" isn't the right word.

She didn't just "touch" your life.

She seemed to invade your heart and plant her beautiful spirit right inside of you.

And whether you spent a single moment in time with her, or a day, or a lifetime...

That seed she planted in you, would grow into a permanent, loving presence that lives on in your heart forever.

I think that' s why although she outlived all of her siblings, and parents, and family of her generation...

And all but one of her life long friends...

It was literally standing room only yesterday.

They ran out of space and chairs for all who came to honor her.

Because her impact wasn't for a moment.

It Lives IN You Forever.

You share it.

And her time with one person lives on to impact generations.

So strongly, that I believe it will just keep getting passed on until the end of time.

At our core, I think that this is the type of impact we'd all like to have.

One that lives well past you and I, and continues to shine a positive light on the world into eternity.

But in a world where we are bombarded with 30 second messages, and ads, and propaganda, and catchy headlines that all seem to fade away in minutes.

What's the "secret" to this longevity?

How can you and I positively impact this world all the way into eternity, Friend?

That's what I find myself thinking deeply about now.

And as I reflect on GG's impact on me.

As I consider all the words and feelings of those she impacted far outside of the sphere of people I can ever even fully know.

As I consider my own faith that I owe in large part to Grandma.

I think the secret to positively impacting the world into eternity, is actually not only really simple...

But, is the secret to an amazing life in every way, shape and form.

It's the secret to personal happiness.

It's the secret to relationship success.

It's the secret to a loving family that sticks together through everything and anything.

It's the secret to financial and business success.

Without hyperbole, I have come to believe that...

What Grandma Taught Me is The Secret to a Life Well Lived. Full of True Joy, Fun, Adventure, and Impact

I think it's as simple as this...

Love God.

Love People.

And I get it.

There's some controversy in one of those secrets to life.

There was a time in my life where if somebody even typed the word God, I'd close the email and probably unsubscribe.

But, even if we don't believe in the same God.

The same higher power.

The same source of creation.

I think if you do your best to love, appreciate, and be grateful for wherever you believe you came from...

It opens up your heart to love people more.

Because no matter what you believe, source becomes source and it makes us all the same.

From the same thing.

It makes us ONE.

And when you can look at the person in front of you as part of you, it's so much easier to love them.


GG to the Grand Kids.

Aunt Jo to others.

Joann to many more.

She loved God.

And she loved people with such a genuineness.

Such a ferociousness.

Such purity.

That there is an argument among all who knew her that we ALL think we are the winner of...

"I Was Her Favorite!"

Because she loved you so much.

So genuinely.

So truthfully.

Without conditions or rules.

That you MUST be her favorite.

Because of that...

I think each of us who thinks that IS right.

We really all were her favorite.

She saw us all as one.

And as a result, she poured out the most powerful form of love possible on you.

Whether you were the clerk checking her out at the store, or her own child...

You Felt TRUE Love

I was blessed enough to wed into Grandma's life.

But the truth is...

Because Grandma truly loved people.

She fully, and without condition or hesitation...

Loved me from the second I met her.

And I can say without hesitation that I WAS her grandson from that moment.

More importantly...

I can also say without a doubt that...

I AM Her Favorite!

I believe that level of love is the secret, Friend.

To EVERYTHING good in this life and into eternity.

The world is a wonderful place.

But, imagine for a second how immensely more beautiful it can be in every way if we'd all just embrace Grandma's TRUE love...

And live our own lives that way too.

I love you.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

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