Subject: 🔵 Hi Friend

Happy Monday, Friend.

I just wanted to see if you still wanted to get my emails, and possibly my help.

As a reminder, here's what I do...

-->  I find companies that I fully align with and that have products, services, tools, communities, etc. that I can recommend (and get paid for).

-->  I recommend those products, tools, services, communities, etc. to people already looking for them.

-->  I get up to 80% commissions on the things I recommend...

Without ever building complicated websites.

Without creating products.

Without hustling all day long. In fact, a lot of days and email like this is all I do.

Without having to deal with customer service.

Without having to deal with any product fulfillment.

Basically, the companies I align with happily take on most of the work, and all of the hard, techy, time consuming, expensive stuff for me...

And then just send me the commissions (up to 80%).

Some companies have been sending me commissions every month for over 10 years.

And I've been able to stay J.O.B. free since late 2004 doing this.

It's fun.

It's simple.

And it lets me wake up and do what I want with my day.

If you want to build a long term business that you love.

Recommending products, services, and tools that you believe in.

Email me or text me and I can help you take the next steps.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love People.

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

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