Subject: 🔵 Hey

Happy Monday, Friend!

Just wanted to reach out and say hi and see how things are going.

I have to admit, I used to love just driving traffic...

Sending emails...

Get a bunch of customers that I don't know short term.


The more I am move into a space of wanting to create long, lasting change.

The more I want to be able to have long term positive impact on the world.

The more I realize that I don't like that short term madness at all.

I want to know you.

I want to know how I can help you.

I want to work WITH you LONG TERM to make sure that you get results.

It's why in the last couple of years, I have focused less on quick, empty, short term sales.

And moved into partnerships with people who really want to change their lives.

So, they can also change the world in their own unique way.

Anyway... if you just want to keep learning on your own.

Or keep lurking hoping that I will one day drop the magic cashflow bean in one of my emails.

Or keep buying stuff, that's cool.

It's WAY harder, but everyone has to travel their own path.

Take it from a guy who spent years of time...

Went into debt of nearly $50k.

And almost quit because I was alone and broke.

I was a guy who chose the hard way.

So, I get it... And I am not judging you if that your path too.

Having done it though, I just know it's a tough, long, hard, road.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and let you know that if more of a partnership where you always have help...

Where you always know what to do next...

And where you have exactly everything you need in place to succeed...

If that is more of your desire, let's start getting to know each other.

No pressure.

Just reach out and say hi, and let's see where it goes.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I check and respond to ALL emails and texts.

If you want to, feel free to email me, or text me anytime here...


That's a real number, so be sure to give me a few minutes to personally get back to you.

Longer on the weekends as I don't really have any dedicated "work" time on Saturday or Sunday.

I look forward to connecting with you.



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