Subject: 🔵 Help. A stranger has my baby

Darrell isn't a man who cries much, but he found himself sobbing in his car.

Fired from his job after 14 years.

No warning.



Confused, are all words he used to describe his feelings.

Having been let go 3 weeks before Christmas with a family to feed, and biIIs to take care of in 2004, I could almost feel his pain.

But, it wasn't that feeling that I related to most.

It was the joy that he described as he was realized that being fired was the best actually thing that every happened to him.

I'd had that same feeling back in 2004.

Laying on the couch with my daughter.

Spending time with her and my pregnant again wife that I would have missed out on had I been at work.

The pain and shame started to melt into joy and a feeling of f.reedom to be where I wanted to be all along.

I didn't want to be leaving my baby girl with strangers every day as my wife and I went to work.

I didn't want people I barely knew raising and having influence on my children.

I wanted to be home.

And now I was.

And being fired started to feel awesome.

So, as Darrel described how he used to kiss his kids goodbye in the morning before they were even up.

Then only have enough time to put them to bed at night.

Basically missing their entires lives.

I felt the pain of that.

I also understood the pure joy on his face as he talked about how being fired saved him.

Gave him a second chance to do it right.

Gave him the drive to start creating for himself and his family.

Gave him for the first time in his life f.reedom.

Like me, Darrell used being fired to catapult him into the life he really wanted.

He jumped into a new way.

A new model of creating not just lncome, but real weaIth.

Learned a few skills.

And now, just like I have been doing for 20 years...

He has spent the last several months doing whatever he wants.

Making more every 2 months than he used to make in a year.

And doing it in all in only 2 hours per day.

We're taught from the time we are little that we have to trade all of our time for nothing more than biIIs.

That we have to trade insane amounts of hours for basically nothing.

It's not true.

You can make more in way less time.

You can have the abundance and time and f.reedom to do what you want.

When you want.

With who you want.

For as long as you want.

You just have to learn a new model of creating weaIth.

It's here if you want it.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

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