Subject: 🔵 He did 7OOk in 28 days as an affiIiate (True Story Inside)

He squashed me like a little grape!

I thought I was pretty hot stuff back in November of 2011 when I generated over 3Ok in a single month during the launch of a new business.

I was on the leaderboards top 3.

Feelin' awesome.

Kinda prideful to tell the truth.

And then over the next 28 days, this dude made my 3Ok look like couch cushion change.

During the month of December.

The SLOWEST month in any business in our industry.

He raked in over 700K in COMlSSlONS!

In 28 stinkin' days!

During a holiday.


I recently caught up with him and found out that he hasn't really slowed down 12 years later.

In fact, he is doing on average over 3OOk every single month like clock work.

As an affiIiate.

And he's finally spilling the beans on something he has been doing over the last decade that NOBODY else teaches.

All the "gurus" in the space all say. the same thing.

And most of them don't generate any lncome as affiIiates.

They are selling their own courses.

This guy... he's doing nearly all of the 3OOk as a straight up affiIiate.

As a result, he doesn't really teach his stuff ever.

In fact, last week was the first time I had even seen him online in years.

He's not dancing on social shorts and reels.

Or placing the same ads in the same places like everyone else.

In fact, a TON of his affiIiate lncome comes from totally f.ree traffic.

But, not the kind that takes you forever to get.

He gets it instantly.

What he does is totally unique, and I got a hold of his latest training.

If you want it, reply back and let me know.

This isn't for people who want to get 2O bucks here and 5O bucks there.

This is for anyone who wants to be a REAL affiIiate and create 1Ok MINIMUM every single month in 90 days or less.

I've gotta admit...

As a quiet, sorta introverted guy, his style really calls to me.

It's nearly all done for you.

It's super automated.

And it results in a real, LONG TERM, generational weaIth business that will make you look like a pro.

Even if you aren't one. (yet)

Anyway... I'm not sending this to everyone.

It's is a totally f.ree training, but it's long and it's incredible, and I don't really want to waste it on those who aren't totally ready for life change.

If you want the totally f.ree training he did, let me know.

Reply to this email and I'll get it to you.

Hope you have an incredible rest of the night.

Nick Bramble

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