Subject: 🔵 Have we kissed? ❤️

"He who gives an honest answer gives a kiss on the lips"

Proverbs 24:26 CSB


My deep dive into Proverbs continues to both fascinate and challenge me in the best ways possible.

Today's study made me think of my good friend Paul, and how often he speaks about just being honest in your marketing (and in all things).

What struck me today is that...

Maybe there is an even deeper and sweeter and closer connection that's forged with honesty than just trust.

Maybe it's a sign of ultimate love for the other person or people you're giving truth to.

Much like a kiss can be.

I told my friend Paul today that I think his pursuit to focus less on "marketing" language, and more on just being honest...

Is part of the many reasons why he has such a positive impact on the people and places around him.

He's not trying to "seII" people, or "hype" things up, or be overly cunning in his copy.

He just gets to know the people he's trying to serve at a deep level.

And then he's 1OO% honest in whether or not he thinks he can serve them at the highest level.

Which has lead to some crazy results for Paul.

He's been a without a single penny of debt since he was 40, and is a true miIIionaire...

Who still in his early 40's never really has to work a day in his life at this point.

He does work, or course, because he is also one of the most servant driven people I've ever met.

On top of that, he's a brilliant marketer, and writes and speaks some of the best ad copy on the planet.

But what's funny, is that what seems to drive him isn't the best word, or phrase, or offer, or timer...

It's truth and service.

I wanted to send you this today, because I know your heart.

And I know that we're in an industry sometimes that focuses a lot on how we can "seII" using the right words or persuasions.

Which can cause an inner conflict at times.

I know I feel it a lot.

But, Paul gives us hope.

That we can build a business with a God first mindset.

That we can be massively successfuI without the hyperbole that's always present in the industry.

That the principles of God's wisdom are true.

And that we can build an amazing, abundant, life of prosperity and giving on the back...

Or should I say "Kiss," of truth.

For me, that's so incredibly exciting.

I thought it would be for you as well.

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

P.S.  If you want to partner with Paul and I, and learn how to create a life of incredible abundance for yourself, that gives you the time and resources to serve all who God puts in front of you.

And you want to build something based on truth, and service...

You can see if this partnership offer is what you've been looking for you're entire life.

If it is, you'll be able to work PERSONALLY with both Paul and I on a daily basis.

I'm excited at the possibility to introduce you to Paul.

I think you're going to love him, and he's going to positively change your entire life.

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