Subject: 🔵 [HBA with Nick] Getting leads with YT, IG, or TikTok?

If you are doing videos on any of those 3 platforms, and you want more leads, you're gonna wanna see this

Are You Using YouTube, IG, or TikTok Videos in Your Marketing?

If you are, Mike just re-opened the video syndication group.

What does that mean?

If you are doing videos and want instant views and subscribers to boost your rankings (so you get more views to your videos)...

This will help a ton!

Any HBA member is free to participate.

It's just one more amazing thing to add the the other 1,000 things that HBA continues ot serve us all with.

Man, I love this place!! ❤️

If there is anything at all I can help you with, please let me know.

I have been doing this successfully for nearly 20 years now, so don't let good resources go to waste!

I am here for you.


"Called Free to Be More"

Reach me fastest here:

Text Me Here: 517-445-5833

P.S. Remember, HBA has DAILY, Live help for you (M - F) if you need help in your marketing.

You can jump on live every M - F and watch Mike, Paul, and other marketers do their marketing right in front of you...

Get your own marketing questions answered...

And get a real look into the daily actions of real 7-fig servant rock stars within HBA.

Check the replays and come join us live.

If you're struggling to get leads and conversions...

It's the quickest way to get the marketing help you need to grow your HBA business, or anything else you might be building.

Hope to see you there soon!


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