Subject: 🔵 [HBA Updates] Revolution Plans

Happy Wednesday Friend!

The Revolution Has to Begin... NOW!

It's time to step up our game as a team here at HBA and add more incredible people every day to this team of Freedom Crusaders, because the world needs us.

Heck... YOU need us and yourself to be more, do more, have more, so you can give more...


I woke up angry last week, and since about last Thursday, there's been this fire brewing that just seems to be growing.

It's telling me it's time.

No... it's past time.

We're actually running late.

It's telling me that YOU need your HBA business to thrive.

NOW, not later.

It's telling me that there are people all around the world right now crying out for the solutions that we have.

They need the wealth, the time, and the freedom we offer NOW, not later.

When I woke up angry last Thursday, I went through a series of emotions all within an hour.

Which is weird for me, because I am pretty even keel in terms of emotions.

First anger.

Then a little bit of sadness.

I actually experienced some tears out of nowhere.

Then I was inspired.

And what's been consistent since that weird spiral is an emotion that I can only explain as a burning fire to move.

To act.

To do.


Run towards a greatness that I think is waiting for ALL of us who decide to act.

I think my frustration, my anger, my sadness, and the fire resulting from it all came from this...

Time IS running out, and our complacency and flat out ignoring that fact is literally killing us...

While simultaneously squashing out the lives of those we're supposed to impact.

And it has me pi##ed off to be honest.

I heard Ray Lewis once say...

"You Have to Be Pi##ed Off For Greatness!"

I think that is where I am.

Because truthfully, my dream to set people free haunts me.

It keeps me up at night.

It's actually much more than a dream to me.

I fully believe it's a calling from God.

Maybe you don't know your calling yet, but there is a DREAM that brought you here.

What is it?

What would it mean for you to have it?

I'm typing this right now in the hopes that whatever the dream is that brought you here...

These words serve as your wake up call.

That my emotion stirs up yours, and gets that dream back to the center of all of your thoughts.

That you decide right NOW today to re-commit to achieving that dream.

And then to start running toward it as fast as you can to take the ACTIONS needed to make it reality.

Truthfully the actions are simple because of what you have access to here at HBA.

You literally have EVERY single thing you need all in one place.

PLUS, a loving community there every second who is fighting WITH you to make sure your dream happens.

Your dream IS possible for you... and it's time!


Again, here's how we get there together:

1. Commit to being here in 12 months so you can get yourself free. Plus, have the skills, tools, resources, and talent to stay free and free others FOR LIFE.

2. Commit to being active in BOTH residual products because you NEED them.

You need the Funnel Builder to automate your business, and build the list of those coming to you for change.

You need Premium for the training, the personal help, and the community to make sure you have the skillset and mindset to achieve everything you dream about.

3. Commit to getting 1 sale per day using the 8 core steps found in the SG4G formula here.

One sale per day won't happen immediately, but it will happen faster when you take the steps DAILY.

4. Connect and Contribute to the community daily.

Community is the secret ingredient that almost nobody talks about.

Your connection and contribution to it provides massive leverage and help for you and all those Crusaders who need us.

Those simple 4 steps...

That's How We Win Together!

Thanks for being here, Friend.

I'm excited to build the future together!

I believe in you.

You deserve those dreams to be a reality.

Those waiting on you to become more deserve the relief you'll give them as you use your tools, resources, skills, and talents, time, and freedom to impact their lives.

It's time.


Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

833-219-0822 (please text anytime)

P.S. Here's the new and improved team site I put together to help you get to your dreams and your freedom faster.

If you feel I can add anything to it to help you, please let me know.

P.P.S. If you have gone inactive and are seeing what we're doing, or loving our vision and want back in, here's the best way to get back in and have access to everything.


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