Subject: 🔵 [HBA Updates] Is your business growing?

Hey Friend...

I haven't heard much from you, so I wanted to check in and see where you need the most help.

The $25 All in One offer continues to be out converting anything we've ever done here at HBA, and it's not even close.

It's converting like 4X better than everything else.

So, if you're not getting the results you want, it's probably because of one of 3 things...

1. Not getting enough people there

2. Getting the WRONG people there

Paul did a post on that here

3. Maybe you're getting people in front of the offer, but not following up effectively.

What I love about affiliate marketing, is that it takes so much of hard stuff out, so that it's ALWAYS only one of those 3 things.

So, it makes it much more simple to know what to fix.

But, if you're new, or struggling, it can be hard to see what changes you need to make.

That's why if you're not having the results that you want, I strongly urge you to reach out to me.

I can help you, but not if I don't know what you need.

It's my mission in life to help you get free, so please, please, please reach out.

Email me.

Text me.

Send me a Loom video.

Just reach out.

What you have here is special.

Let's make sure that you get the most out of it.

Contact me this weekend.

Looking forward to getting a game plan together with you.

Oh... before I forget, here is the content I sent to my list this week.

There is a TON of value for you too.

If you want to see how I am getting leads, sales, and building my business in a freedom centered way...

I highly recommend that you check out my weekly recap page here.

It's not just super awesome content...

But, you can model what I am doing in your own business to help you grow more quickly.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"


P.S.  Did you see the new team site I am working on for us?

Let me know what you think.

What's good?

What do you feel like it's missing that would help you?

I really want to know.

Text or Telegram or email me.

P.P.S.  I am still working on the kinks in the SMS (text) marketing.

I am getting a good amount of leads from it daily, but still figuring out the conversions.

It's a simple, inexpensive resource, so I will get it mastered, and then we will ALL have a way to build and scale.

Stay tuned for that.


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