Subject: 🔵 [HBA Updates] Help is here

Happy Weekend Friend!

Help is Here. What Do You Need?

The business of an early entrepreneur is almost always built in nights and weekends.

I just wanted to check in and see how I could help you this weekend as you work on your HBA business.

What can I help with?

We continue to experience of 25% growth EVERY single month in HBA which means we're now doubling every quarter.

That is amazing growth that puts HBA in the upper 4 - 5% of all companies on earth.

It's not a feat many companies achieve when they've been around as long as us.

So how do you add to and enjoy this phenomenal growth, Friend?

First, make sure we are connected in EVERY way so you can get updates and help quickly.

As an example, Robin Williams posted in the HBA Facebook group yesterday EXACTLY what she's been doing to get a sale per day...

With ZERO ad cost!

If you're not in the group and active, you probably missed it.

And I can't even tell you the gold that you miss on a DAILY basis if you're not active in our Telegram group daily.

Once you're connected, commit to the "Plan."

I sent this last week, but again... here's how we get there together:

1. Commit to being here in 12 months so you can get yourself free. Plus, have the skills, tools, resources, and talent to stay free and free others FOR LIFE.

2. Commit to being active in BOTH residual products because you NEED them.

You need the Funnel Builder to automate your business, and build the list of those coming to you for change.

You need Premium for the training, the personal help, and the community to make sure you have the skillset and mindset to achieve everything you dream about.

3. Commit to getting 1 sale per day using the 8 core steps found in the SG4G formula here.

One sale per day won't happen immediately, but it will happen faster when you take the steps DAILY.

4. Connect and Contribute to the community daily.

Community is the secret ingredient that almost nobody talks about.

Your connection and contribution to it provides massive leverage and help for you and all those Crusaders who need us.

Those simple 4 steps...

That's How We Win Together!

Thanks for being here, Friend.

I'm excited to build the future together!

I believe in you.

You deserve your dreams to be a reality.

Those waiting on you to become more deserve the relief you'll give them as you use your tools, resources, skills, and talents, time, and freedom to impact their lives.

It's time.


Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

833-219-0822 (please text anytime)

P.S. Here's the new and improved team site I put together to help you get to your dreams and your freedom faster.

If you feel I can add anything to it to help you, please let me know.

P.P.S. If you have gone inactive and are seeing what we're doing, or loving our vision and want back in, here's the best way to get back in and have access to everything.


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