Subject: 🔵 [HBA Team] What can I help you with this week?

What Do You Need Help With This Week?

What can I help you with this week?

I really want to know.

Can we connect ASAP?

Some questions that will help get us going in the right direction...

1. What Are You Building?

  • Your own business, or HBA?

2. What Does Your Current Funnel Look Like?

  • What's the link to it?

3. What Kind of Marketing or Traffic Generation are You Using?

  • How many leads is that generating per day?

That's a good start for now.

Do me a favor and gather that info for me, and then...

It's time, Friend.

It's time to start getting the results you want, so you can make the difference you're meant to in the world.

I'm here for you.

And so is an entire community of people.


"Called Free to Be More"

P.S.  Did you have any plans to go to the event in Mesa, AZ in November...

Or to get a livestream ticket so you can interact with us live from home?

The transformation videos on that page from those who attended the even just a couple of weeks ago are awesome.

You'll definitely get a look into the heart of HBA by watching them.


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