Subject: 🔵 [HBA Team Update] This matters

Hey HBA Team...

I wanted to remind you, or maybe tell you for the first time, that what you are trying to do is so much bigger than you.

It's not just a business, or money, or even your own freedom.

It's a calling.

A mission.

A purpose.

The reason we as Freedom Crusaders keep doing what we do...

The reason we keep learning...

Keep struggling...

Keep putting in the hours to be better at our crafts...

Is because before we even knew it, there were people lined up who need us.

There are people who need your gifts.

Your products.

Your talents.

Your heart.

👉 Because without you, they can't do what they're supposed to do.

So, it's amazing to see a guy in our community like Craig get his first sale after fighting, and learning, and serving for over a year.

Because his journey proved that he is ready for his calling.

No matter what it is.

So, the floodgates have been opened for him.

It's amazing to see another member Vashti show up to every single thing she can...

Implement the skills she gains, and see a surge of customers.

Because they aren't just customers.

👉 They are lives that were lined up and waiting for Vashti, for Craig, for YOU because they need what you have for their own calling.

So, when you feel frustrated embrace it.

It's because your heart knows there is more.

Your calling is telling you that people need you.

Keep fighting.

Keep Learning.

Keep serving.

🔥 You are the one flame that is going to light a beautiful, magnificent light of change, and hope as you serve the people who are waiting for you...

And then they use what you gave them to serve.

And this cycle of each of us listening to our calling.

Then stepping into the pain and work, and heart it takes to become the person we need to be in order to serve those waiting.

Then using our skills, and courage, and belief necessary to share our gifts.

🔥 Is the path that will ignite the world and change countless lives.

You are a calling.

You are hope.

You are heart.

You are the positive change that your people are lined up for.

You are so much more than you know.

✊ So keep going Freedom Crusader.

You, and WE... are just getting started.

❤️ Much love.

Please contact me and let me know where you're at in your journey, so I can help you the best that I can.

I am in the HBA Facebook group, in the HBA Telegram chats, and you can reach me at my personal Telegram here.

I am here to work WITH you as much as you'll let me.


"Called Free, to Be More!"

P.S.  Log into The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.

P.P.S.  The fastest way to reach me is Telegram. I highly recommend using it.

Here's direct access to me there.


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