Subject: 🔵 Grandma does $1OO-k from an RV (less than 5 months)

From a cramped RV, she did it in, less than 5 months starting from scratch

In her words, she was...

"Broke as a joke."

And still, from this RV, she was able to create over 1OO-k in less than 5 months.

That's the power of this community and why I love it so much.

Might be worth a few minutes of your time this weekend to check it out...

If you want to turn your life into one giant, do whatever you want weekend.

Or, if you're tired of the "Broke as a joke" life like she was.

You'll see her story at around the 13 minute mark here.

But she's just one of the many community members we featured this week.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

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