Subject: 🔵 God said to do this

Good morning Friend...

Too many people are asking about this, and it's just taking too much time to get back individually, so I am just going to send it to you direct:

This is the EPIC thing from my last email update:

I would love to have you there.

It's a unique concept where we are all

winning because of something I like to call a

"Pay it forward" or "community" building


So fun.

So unique.

And everyone is winning.

But here's why I acted so quickly on it.


God is just so good, I don't even know how to process it sometimes.

He just keeps answering me.

So, on Feb. 3rd or 4th, I was just kind of in a funk, and I wrote a word down in my notebook, for what it felt like my Spirit was calling for.

That word was "Excitement"

I wasn't 100% sure why I was writing it down, it just felt like from a business standpoint, I was craving excitement.

On Feb. 5th somebody reached out to me with what is in this link.

Everything in my mind was saying no way, and eyerolling, and wanting to just click delete.

But, my Spirit wouldn't let it go.

It was weird, because I had publicly announced multiple times that I would NEVER do this again.

But, Spirit persisted, and I just kept hearing


And immediately, that's what I did.

I just jumped and threw everything I had into it over the last almost 2 weeks now.

And guess what?

I have been MORE excited about what I am doing right now than anything I have ever done in my 20 years of building businesses.

Even on the days where my mind was so excited that I only got 3 hours of sleep...

I am waking up with massive energy, and excitement, and drive, and passion to take this blessing that God gave to me and multiply it.

And multiply it we are doing.

I've never seen the kinds of people winning that I am seeing.

God is just so good. This isn't about me, because I wanted to say no.

Everything in my mind was saying no. But, God literally said GO to me in my Spirit.

And amazing and wonderful things are happening.

And I have more excitement now in my business than I have ever had.

If you decide you want to go on this epic adventure with me and the amazing community we have already built...

You will have my full energy, and passion, and drive, and EXCITEMENT helping you.

As well as a community already into the several hundreds helping you in this unique community build.

And I fully believe based on how I got here, that the energy and excitement of God is behind this.

God is so good.

If you find yourself with the same wonder and excitement as I had to look at this, you can watch the full 5 minute video here.

Just be careful what you pay attention to.For me, the mind say no way.

But the Spirit say GO!

Had I listened to the mind, I would have missed the blessing that God gave me.

So get quiet, listen to your Spirit, your soul, your energy, or whatever you prefer to call what I call the Spirit of God...

And GO!

Nick Bramble

Love God. Love people

517-258-2203 (Text Only)

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