Subject: 🔵 God called me. I put Him on hold

If you got a call directly from God, would you talk to Him, or put Him on hold?

I am sending this to everyone.

My list.

My friends.

My customers.

My partners in HBA.



Because I dropped the ball a little, and I want you ALL to keep me accountable for picking it back up.

In early 2019, God called me.

And I listened briefly.

And then put Him on hold.

What He told me while I was listening was this...

"You have been called free to serve others in love."

And more specifically...

"You've been called free to serve others by helping them get free as well."

FREEDOM... and helping others build it was the call.

And while I have been following this calling.

I haven't fully committed to it.

Yes, I have been sort of part time sending you emails to help you.

Yes, I have been sort of part time putting out content that would help you.

Yes, I did help build a sales process that is currently helping thousands of partners get free.

But I haven't fully committed.

To give you an idea of what I mean...

I ask you to image God, or whatever you seek as your higher power coming to you and telling you EXACTLY what your calling in life was.

Exactly what your purpose was.

Exactly how you could help the most people.

Exactly where all of your highest blessings were located.

Exactly where the life you were born to live was located.

Would you "kinda" put your energy into that thing...

Or, would you pour your entire heart and soul and mind and body and Spirit into this calling?

For me... (up until now)

I chose the "kinda."

That Stops Here and Now!

And so over the next few days, I will be honoring all that Jesus, who I follow as my God, has done for me.

I will be celebrating the new life He gave to me when He rose.

And I will be stepping full force 100% into the calling that he gave to me.

With the Spirit and the power, and the love that He blessed me with.

I've been in "kinda, sorta" help you mode for far too long.

You deserve more.

The people all over the world that will benefit from me stepping fully into the calling deserve it more.

And God certainly deserves for me to put all of the gifts He has given me to work.

What does all of this mean to you?

It means I will be doing more for you than sending an email to make sure that you have everything you need to step into your freedom.

Because in YOUR freedom is your calling.

In YOUR freedom is your purpose.

In YOUR freedom is the best and highest and truest version of yourself.

And in the unlocking of this highest version of yourself...

Is the unlocking of the gifts, and tools, and resources that will benefit the world in the most positive way possible.

There are people, and communities, and causes that need you to be free in EVERY way to serve them.

I know you feel exactly who they are in your heart.

Your freedom allows you to serve them in the way you were born to.

And impact and benefit the world in ways you might not even be able to imagine.

I'm excited.

I hope that you are too.

Enjoy your weekend.

Enjoy your Easter if you celebrate it.

And I will be fully alive in my Freedom, and in my calling on Monday...

To serve you and all that will listen at the highest level for the rest of my days.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S. You can text me your thoughts and questions anytime if you prefer that over email.

It's a real number that I actually personally reply to.

Nothing automated.


P.P.S.  If you're ready to step fully into your freedom and unlock your best self and your best life...

Email me, or better yet, Text me and just say "I'm Ready!"


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