Subject: 🔵 Get sales faster than you think

It's pretty cool when you help somebody get sales WAY faster than they thought they would...

Whenever a person in your community says...

"I Wasn't Expecting a Sale So Early!"

That's definitely a good thing.

For example, check out what John said below...

(be sure images are turned on)

But, as amazing as it is to see John's results, it got me thinking about how most people don't know a thing about getting sales online at all...

Let alone getting them quickly.

So, I brought this short 9 minute private podcast episode out of the archives today.

If you decide to listen to it here, you'll discover some amazing stuff, including:

  • The one simple thing you can (and should) do daily that gets up to 99% of your sales.

  • What you can do "before" people see your sales process to get fast sales (like John did).

  • The secret "Trigger" I use that makes people psychologically feel like they "must" buy in a totally ethical and cool way.

  • The reason why this top marketer had only about 30 people out of 20,000 registrants show up to a sales offer... and how you can ALWAYS avoid it and maximize sales.

  • The truth about when and how people buy, so you always know what to do next to get more sales.

Yep, it's a pretty power packed 9 minutes.

And, it's a podcast episode, so you can listen to it while you're driving, cleaning, working out, or whatever.

It's a private episode that I originally did for my "Freedom Crusaders" community only...

But, I wanted you to have the opportunity to listen to it here today...

Because it's some of the most valuable 9 minutes I ever shared with anyone.


So, if you want more sales.

More quickly.

In ANYTHING that you might be doing now, or in the future...

This may be the 9 minute miracle that you've been missing.

I put the private episode on this page here if you decide to listen to it today.

Please let me know what you like best about it.

Nick Bramble

"Your Freedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it!"

P.S.  I truly want to help you and work WITH you some day soon to build the freedom you want in your life.

If you want to, feel free to text me anytime here...


That's a real number and you won't be added to any automated lists or anything.

So be sure to give me a few minutes to personally get back to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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