Subject: 🔵 Get SaIes Fast (in 5 minutes fast)

My daughter got her first sale on day one.

I'm so freakin' excited!

My daughter has been working with me to learn the affiIate game.

And guess what?

She got her first saIe EVER online.

She wanted to do her own thing, so this is completely hers.

I love it.

The best part...

The time from getting her first Iead to her first saIe was a little over 6 hours.

No joke.

She got her first Iead ever online, and in less than 7 hours...

She got her first saIe!


But, here's why.

Although we are building different things, we create residuaI lncome the same way.

Like father.

Like daughter.

She listens well!

She makes sure that nearly every single hard, techy, and time consuming thing is done for her.

And what does she do.

She buys traffic.

And sends it to a high converting offer.

That's it.

For all of you who think it has to be more difficult, here's something else...

The lead came at 5:18 pm.

Look at the time on the order.

It's 5:23 pm.

That's going from lead to saIe in just 5 minutes!

Quality traffic.

Good offer that matches the traffic source.


We'll add a couple of more things as we go, but in true 30 minute workday style...

We won't over complicate.

Just like I am not over complicating the offer below that has helped me add nearly 5k in residuaIs to my life in just 18 days.

Yes, I said residuaI...

Meaning it keeps coming to me over and over again.

Would anything change for you if you knew you had a 5k head start before you even got out of bed?

You may not get there in 18 days, but even if it takes you 90 days...

Wouldn't that be pretty cool?

If you had listened to me 18 days ago, you'd be part of the way there by now.

It's ok though, grab access here...

And you could do what my daughter did with her offer, and get your first saIe 5 minutes from when the lead hits the page.

Nick Bramble

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