Subject: 🔵 Frozen nose hairs suck. Comfy couch lncome is better

I was outside for less than 2 minutes and my nose hairs were completely frozen.

Holy Polar Vortex Friend!

I went out to the driveway to move my son's car this morning, and by the time I got back to the garage...

My nose hairs were frozen!

Now, I've got A LOT of reasons why I love being able to create lncome from my laptop...

But, avoiding frozen nose hairs is right near the top!

I definitely prefer being right here on my comfy warm couch, sitting in front of the fireplace, and typing this email to you.

But, having to go out into the frozen tundra for that quick minute this morning, brought back some haunting Monday memories for me.

I can still recall exactly how I felt ever single Monday morning.

Knowing it was just the beginning of the week, and I had to stomach 5 full days of the awful WWESR cycle.

You know, the one that goes like this...






And a few times in between puke a little in your mouth knowing that this could be your life.

Ugh... put a fork in my cheek instead please.

I'm so glad I got let go from my job nearly 20 years ago, and I decided to NEVER go back.

But, truth is...

I don't know if I would have stuck with it if I followed the "guru" model of "hustling" and "grinding."

And constant product creation and challenges.

And having to deal with customer service and merchant accounts, and employees.

Because that's all pretty yucky too.

I'm glad I discovered this easy, mostly done for you model early in my journey.

It's without a doubt, the simplest and fastest path to online lncome in my opinion.

When you decide to visit this page right here...

You'll see my #1 Recommendation Right Now to jumping into a done for you b.usiness.

So you can be generating unlimited lncome in as little as 30 minutes per day...

Without all of the hard, techy, time consuming expensive stuff.

And you can do it from anywhere on the planet with an internet connection.

Escape the Monday dreads.

Avoid frozen nose hairs.

And build a life that you LIVE in instead of existing.

This is the ultimate frozen nose hair repellant if you want to check it out.

Nick Bramble

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