Subject: 🔵 From "Friggin' Skeptic" to 3OOK in 9 months

Mom of special needs children and Army dad story is awesome. Listen in

This mom of a special needs child was desperate.

And even though she said she was the "Biggest Friggin' Skeptic" about our community when she first saw it...

As a last ditch effort to save her family, she jumped into the community here.

In her first month, she did 29,OOO dollars from scratch.

But it gets better...

In just 9 months...

While caring for her child.

With her husband away full time serving in the Army.

In the nooks and crannies of her day.

She's about to hit 3OO,OOO doIIars in just her first 9 months.

I get it if these things make you skeptical too.

We're taught our entire lives that we have to work WAY harder to create that kind of weaIth.

Truth is...

That's one of the biggest lines of crap that we're sold by the system who wants us to work for them, instead of ourselves.

I know.

I've been doing this for 20 years now.

I've been the story of both failure and f.reedom.

I've seen incredible stories of weaIth and f.reedom.

I am living that story.

It's amazing, and fun, and so rewarding.

You can too.

Even if your belief is low, just like this mom's was...

Borrow my belief and make a change.

There is an entire community here ready to lift and support you, and help you get whatever level of weaIth and f.reedom you need.

You can meet some of us here on this reply from yesterday.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting... Let's Go Build it."

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