Subject: 🔵 Freedom looks like this (powerful wealth lesson)

This is my most powerful lesson every when it comes to wealth and how you can have it long term

Inside of this email is the real secret to long term abundance, purpose, and freedom.

I believe it's that powerful.

Here's where the power begins...

"This is what freedom looks like... Freedom looks like service, motivated by love."

That is one of my favorite quotes, by one of my favorite people of all time, Erwin McManus.

He gave it in a talk about Galatians 5:13.

Which is my favorite scripture of all time, and the one that revealed to me my true purpose here.

It also reveals a truth that over the last 20 years has lead to the most personal abundance I have ever experienced.

The most purpose I have ever felt.

And the most freedom I have ever enjoyed.

And that truth is this...

Until you are obsessed with the result you can get for OTHERS, you won't have the success you're seeking.

This has played out to be true for me for nearly 20 years now.

When I focused on how I could get money, I always had none.

When I focused on freedom meaning doing whatever personally benefited me, I was always trapped.

When I focused on "getting," life was ALWAYS a struggle.

But a funny thing happened when I turned my focus on others.

When I focused on how much I could serve...

How much I could give...

How much I could contribute...

Life started giving me everything I wanted too.

No matter what you believe, this is a universal principle.

So, the most powerful lesson I can give you when it comes to building a business that gives you massive abundance...

Massive purpose...

Massive Freedom, is this...

✔️ First, figure out WHO you want to help in this world.

✔️ Next, figure out what result you want to help THEM get.

✔️ And finally...Become Absolutely OBSESSED with Getting Them That Result!

A funny thing happens when you're obsessed with helping others.

When you're obsessed with serving.

When you're obsessed with getting people what they want and need.

✔️ YOU become better.

✔️ YOU become smarter.

✔️ YOU become more valuable to the marketplace.

✔️ And YOU start to get everything that you want too.

By focusing on giving...Not taking.

It won't feel 100% normal at first.

But I promise you, this is the way.

It's always been the way.

Those that GIVE the most value to the marketplace.

To people.

To community.

Are always rewarded the most.

If you don't have enough to give right now, go get it.

Start with the result you actually do want for yourself.

For example, if you want to build a successful business online, but don't know how to build an audience, or get traffic...

Go learn it!

But, learn it under the lens of...

"I have to be consumed with this knowledge, so I can get it to the OTHER people that need it."

You can call it what you want.

God, the universe, karma, Zig Ziglar wisdom, whatever...

But it ALWAYS holds true.

For me, it goes back to Galatians 5:13 that has been changing my life ever since God showed it to me.

I was searching for what to do with the freedom I have been blessed with.

I was asking why it wasn't always constant and I was often chasing my freedom to regain it.

And Galatians 5:13 says this...

It says that you are called to be free, but don't use this freedom to serve yourself...

Use it to humbly serve OTHERS in love.

And when I look back at my life, it's held true even when I didn't know it.

When I focused on getting, I had nothing.

When I focused on giving, I gained everything.

If you're looking for more abundance.

More Freedom.

More Purpose.

This email is the most powerful lesson that I can give you.

I hope that no matter what you personally believe that you'll take some time to reflect on it.

To think about who you want to serve.

To figure out what result you want to get them.

And then become obsessed with getting others that result.

Those steps can literally unlock anything that you desire.

Trust in them.

Do them.

Have a great Sunday!


P.S.  Join The Revolution. Live Free. Be More.


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