Subject: 🔵 Following the Bass Acwards life Plan, Friend?

Are you following the bass ackwards life plan, Friend?

Yesterday I was having a conversation with my daughter about the future, and how she wants the rest of her life to be.

At moments, it seemed so odd to be having the conversation.

I mean, if you saw yesterday's quick 58 second video I made for you, she was just a baby dancing around in her jammies.

And today... she's 18 and contemplating her future.

Right now, she's a little confused.

As most 18 year old kids feel.

Because they've been fed by the system for years that they have to know what they want to be (in terms of profession or career) by now.

Which I think is silly.

No 18 year old knows that.

And so here is one of the main points I tried to convey to her...

Don't think about what you want to be in terms of a profession.

Think of how you want your life to be, and start thinking about how you can create wealth around that.

It helps to, in your mind... as clearly as possible, design your ideal life.

What does each day look like?

And then design the way you produce the income you need, around how you want your life to be.

The reason why so many are unhappy with their professional lives is that they do it backwards.

They focus first on getting jobs that make a certain amount of money, and require them to be in a certain location, for a certain amount of time, etc.

And then their lives are built around what the job will allow them to do.

Which is almost never a match for the time, wealth, or freedom that they really want.

At 18, she doesn't always know exactly where she wants to be, or what she wants to be doing, or who she might want to impact in the world.

But, what I wanted her to have was better questions to ask herself.

Questions that she can keep asking as she becomes more clear.

Questions that will always lead to OPTIONS in her life.

If she keeps asking herself...

"How do I want my life to be?"


"Who do I need to become in this moment in time to create that life?"

Then she can get better answers.

She can know in every moment, steps that she can take to create the life she wants.

She can ask herself...

"If I take this step, can it give me the time, the wealth, and the freedom I need to accomplish what I want to do in life right now?"

The question of "What do I want to be" when framed around profession is a shallow question.

And for most, it will lead to shallow, quick answers that don't lead to a more fulfilled life.

But, if you can ask the deeper question of...

"How do I want my life to be?"

And then design your next steps around that...

You can in ANY moment think more deeply, and produce a much more clear path for yourself.

Even now, you can ask it.

If you're not doing what you want with your life, ask yourself...

"How do I want my life to be"

And answer it as clearly and concisely as you possibly can in that moment.

And if the path you're currently walking can't possibly give you that life, change course.

It may not be easy.

It probably won't be.

The longer you've been walking the wring path, the harder it will be.

But that's ok, because it will lead you in a better direction.

Taking better actions.

Having higher level thoughts.

That will produce a life more like what you really want.

And the cool thing is this...

What my daughter wants now at 18 will be TOTALLY different than what she wants at 30.

And if she keeps asking the right, deeper questions...

She will ALWAYS have the option to course correct and become the person she needs to be, doing the things she needs to do...

To step into the new life she wants, or feels called into by God.

One job.

In one place.

Doing one thing.


Isn't the life that God called you into.

You are called to be free.

Free in every moment to hear what God is saying to you in your heart.

Free to in EVERY moment to say "YES!"

And not be held back.

Because when you've been asking yourself the right questions, that lead to the right steps to take...

You'll have the skills, the tools, the income, the time, and the freedom to course correct and step into the new level of life God has for you at any moment.

That is the ultimate freedom that I pray my daughter, and that you will enjoy.

Thanks for reading, Friend.

It's always my highest hope and prayer that what I send you will lead you into the life you feel called in your heart to live.

If you ever have thoughts or questions, please reach out to me.

I'd love to hear from you.

Nick Bramble

833-219-0822 (Text Anytime)

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