Subject: 🔵 First I got ☠️ threats, then I got f.reedom

Watch this for 20 years of AffiIiate advice in 20 minutes

I did things so horribly wrong in the beginning of my journey that I actually had threats made on my life.

But then I started to figure it all out, and have been blessed to enjoy 20 years of f.reedom to do what I want.

With who I want.

Where I want.

For as long as I want.

Plus, have the massive amounts of time, lncome, and f.reedom to serve the people, communities, and causes the God put into my heart.

I boiled 20 years of my top advice, and most important principles when it comes to using the AffiIiate model to be f.ree into this short 20 minute video.

Watching it can literally give you back decades of your life if you implement the simple principles.

I just posted it here.

Nick Bramble

"Your F.reedom is Waiting. Let's Go Build it!"

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